
Many of my readers know that I’m into geocaching  and I’ve found over 1300 of them and have hid about 27 or so. The bane of geocachers are muggles. These are not non-Wizards. These are non-geocachers who stumble upon a cache and then take it. I don’t think they mean anything by it, they just don’t know about it. Some muggles instinctually know what it is and go ahead and sign the paper log and put the cache back like they found it.

So anyway if you hide a cache you also assume the responsibility for maintaining it which includes replacing or repairing it when it gets muggled or perhaps deleting the cache if it is a constant problem.

Strike a pose logs

I have two caches within walking distance of my home. I have been derelict in my duty maintaining one of them. “Strike a Pose” has had three “Did Not Find” logs (“DNF’s”) in the last several months and I should have known that something was up. The cache is hard to get to, but once in the general area a person should find it pretty quickly.


So I had a container from a previous cache and I stopped at Walgreen’s and got a small notebook for people to log their finds.


And I drove to the vacant lot close to the cache. It is in the middle of south Tulsa and is surrounded by apartment buildings, an Alzheimer’s care center (Where Heather says I’m headed to in the near future), gas stations, two strip malls, a car lube joint, and a McDonald’s and a country club. In other words a patch of woods that only geocachers and homeless people would be interested in.


I tried to get into the way I did two years ago when I placed it but it was pretty much impenetrable because of thorns. Lots of thorns.


So I backtracked and found another way in. As you can see the woods have been badly damaged by ice storms and such.


My original hiding spot was gone also so I had to find another nearby and get new coordinates. You can see my new hidey  hole. I put a big ole rock (ole is a word in Oklahoma) and so it should be hid pretty well from muggles.

#geocaching #tulsa #vacantlot #sightsofgeocaching

And of course I had to stop and take an instagram shot. Are you on Instagram, are we following each other? If not check the sidebar. You follow me, I’ll follow you.  Deal? I’ll tell what I have found out on Instagram, there are lots and lots of talented photographers out there is what I have found out.

Strike a pose logs 2


So anyway, I got on Geocaching dot com and logged my maintenance and updated the coordinates.

What are you waiting for, got off your duff and go find it. Don’t live in Tulsa. Well we have an airport and roads headed here from all directions, and bus service if you know. You are on the do not fly list for some reason.

So that is the lesson in Muggles for today.

3 thoughts on “Muggles!!

  1. sylviakirk

    Ah, you do have fun!!! And most people think that real fun is limited to kids — well, maybe you geocachers are still kids!! Whatever, I think it’s wonderful and I do get such a kick out of your posts on the subject!! Enjoy your weekend whatever you do!!!

  2. Barb

    That doesn’t look like a place I want to be looking for anything but trouble, Yogi! I think I’m registered on Instagram, but I’ve never posted.

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