“Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
Genesis 9:16 NIV
“Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
Genesis 9:16 NIV
So pretty and worthy of framing. 🙂
That’s an amazing rainbow!
☼ Sunny
Fantastic and definitely worth framing! Hope you have a beautiful Sunday! Enjoy!
Such a wide one and you were able to capture both ends!
Wow! That’s a great photo! And love the verse. Excellent pairing!
The magical hues of a rainbow always remind me of the connection of one realm to another…. Lovely photo Yogi.
Wow! That’s a great capture!
Great capture, great promise, great God.
Great picture!
I love how God gave us such a beautiful reminder!
There’s something magical about rainbows isn’t there and no I’m not talking about the fabled pot of gold.
Yogi! That is the coolest rainbow picture I have seen in a long time. Way to go!
That was the most perfect rainbow I had ever seen. Plus what you can’t tell from the picture was that it was a double rainbow and you could make out every single color of Roy G Biv. It was breath-taking and a huge reminder what an awesome God that we have!
Perfect. Perfectly beautiful, complete.
I love rainbows, and they go well with spiritual quotes, too.