I’m going back to the old days for my shadows this week. Remember 2014? No covid right? Ah, them were the days. I noticed that I posted the same shot for Shadow Shot Sunday twice in the last three weeks. If anybody noticed they were nice enough not to say anything. You know how us old guys are. We are forgetful, and lazy. So I’m going back ten years.
And I was a lot skinnier back then as well! Not so much bingeing Netflix and snacks back then.
Tulsa had this old pedestrian bridge across the Arkansas River. I loved it. A former railroad bridge that was deemed unsafe by the city and torn down and replaced by a fancy new bridge. I love the new bridge as well. At least I got photos of the old bridge. The new bridge is pretty sleek but its shadows are weak. You didn’t know I was a poet did you?
I love fire escape stair shadows. I don’t go to downtown much any longer so I dug this up out of archives.
If you love shadows go check out Shadow Shot Sunday.