Tag Archives: Shadows

December Shadows from Long Ago


This view of Christmas lights on our house is from ten years ago. I am impressed with my energy and ambition from back then and lack of respect for gravity. I put up old school bulbs and “icicle lights” on our gutters and the roof peaks. Those are old school bulbs so one could only put string together strands of three or so. I’m a chemical engineer, not electrical, so the strand limitation made for some strange geometry with extension wires and such. These days with the led’s, you can put as many strings as you want in series. And now, I don’t get up on ladders, period. Me and gravity are not friends, never were really. So if I can’t reach it from the ground I don’t worry about it.

I’m really bad about diverging. Sorry, I like the intricate shadows that the lights along with the tree shadows on this photo. December 2024 was a lousy month for shadows with all the overcast skies we’ve had so I reached deep back into my archives.

I continue to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year.

I am linking with Shadow Shot Sunday.

Shadow Shot Sunday – Partying Like it’s 2014!

I’m going back to the old days for my shadows this week. Remember 2014? No covid right? Ah, them were the days. I noticed that I posted the same shot for Shadow Shot Sunday twice in the last three weeks. If anybody noticed they were nice enough not to say anything. You know how us old guys are. We are forgetful, and lazy. So I’m going back ten years.

My legs got really long! #sunset #shadows #igersok

And I was a lot skinnier back then as well! Not so much bingeing Netflix and snacks back then.

#pedestrianbridge #arkansasriver #trails #riverparks #trails #tulsa #oklahoma #igersok #shadows #bridges

Tulsa had this old pedestrian bridge across the Arkansas River. I loved it. A former railroad bridge that was deemed unsafe by the city and torn down and replaced by a fancy new bridge. I love the new bridge as well. At least I got photos of the old bridge. The new bridge is pretty sleek but its shadows are weak. You didn’t know I was a poet did you?

#fireescape #windows #shadows #blueskies #tulsa #oklahoma #igersok

I love fire escape stair shadows. I don’t go to downtown much any longer so I dug this up out of archives.

If you love shadows go check out Shadow Shot Sunday.

Thomas Gilcrease Mansion Shadows

So Friday afternoon I was going to a preview of the new Gilcrease Museum. I checked in with guard at the entrance to the parking lot and I was a little early and so he said you got some time so go ahead and park and make yourself at home. I never need to be told that. You invite me to your house, I’m going to check out your books, liquor cabinet, and refrigerator. I’ll be playing with your dog and tracking down your cat. So now you know why I never get invited anywhere. But at Gilcrease I parked and walked across the street to the Thomas Gilcrease Mansion. I love the formal garden there.

They had the fountain going so I was trying to make a slow shutter photo of the fountain. Doing that with a handheld phone is tough. I hope it doesn’t make you too dizzy. And then I thought, hmm, I’m going to check out that the green structure is over there. I don’t know what you call it but it is wrought iron and very ornate.

So it was like wow, those are some interesting shadows.

Then I looked up through the lattice and wow. This is really cool. I’ve been here a lot and I guess that I never looked up.

So then I looked to the side and I love this shadow of the structure plus the garden fence. I love the long shadows of autumn.

As I left the garden I found this plaque about gardens. I swear have never seen this before but it is perfect.

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday.

Shadow Shot Sunday – Last Sunday in October Edition


In my previous post I wrote about my new action camera and tested it on our pets. A day or two later I put it on my bike and went for a ride. I set it to take a photo every ten seconds so I end up deleting almost all of the images. Here I am at a stop, off my bike. You can see the action camera mounted on the bike and me. If the weather is good I carry along my superzoom camera.


Here is another rest stop with a shadow and my fingers.


This is a phone shot at a local park. I love all the various shadow patterns.

One day I loaded up my drone and took it the Thomas Gilcrease House here in Tulsa. A one time oil baron who bequeathed the Gilcrease Museum to the City of Tulsa. His house has formal garden with a fountain so you can see the shadow of the fountain.

Here is what the fountain looks like.

I am linking with Shadow Shot Sunday

Shadow Shot Sunday – Shadow Selfies, Big and Small

I went hiking the other day and took a couple of shadow selfies. Here’s a fuzzy one. Do you see little old me? I think it is fuzzy because the image focused on the bridge I was standing on. That is coming in clear.

And here is a big selfie. I love how afternoon shadows make me look slimmer. And wrinkles don’t show up on shadow selfies either.

I am linking with Shadow Shot Sunday!

Shadow Shot Sunday – Appeal to the Great Spirit


A shadow of a sculpture in Tulsa’s Woodward Park


Appeal to the Great Spirit sculpture by Cyrus Dallin.

The sculpture has an interesting history. Their are lots of copies out in the world. The original is at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. Read the Wikipedia Article.

I have 27 photos of this sculpture in my archives. I feel drawn to it whenever I visit Woodward Park. These photos are from 2014.

Shadow Shot Sunday