Well, it is another snow day but at least it is melting today and the roads are clearing up.
It is time to celebrate!! This day after day of relentless dreary weather is about to kill me. Everything is dripping outside and the roads are melting and hopefully we can get down to the business of Spring soon. March is a transition month in Oklahoma. In like a lion out like a lamb they say. I’ve heard people from Nebraska say the same thing. I’m in Oklahoma though. The celebrate photograph has to do with an Instagram meme sponsored by rethinkchurch.org. If one wants to participate in it then they have a different tag for each of the 40 days of lent. Lent is not something that I grew up with and I have never seen the sense of doing without something. I respect that other people do various things for Lent and I am not criticizing or questioning what they do at all. I’m just talking for myself. So this is the first thing I’ve ever done for Lent. I thought a Garth Brooks concert is a good way to celebrate. What about you, what do you do for Lent?
So son and I went to the gym today and ran around the inside track. It is about 11 laps to the mile and I did four miles. So, I might have got a little dizzy. Usually I run on the treadmill but he wanted to run the track so I ran it also. I didn’t run with him but we saw each other quite a bit. He is still learning how to use a gym and needed a little refresher on gym etiquette especially the track. Stay in one lane and stay on the inside lane if you are walking and look behind you before switching lanes. He is getting it okay. There are still some gym newbies who still don’t get it. What do you think, should I give them a little refresher also? I wonder what kind of refresher I need? I have no doubt that I’m irritating somebody. Not hard to do is it?
So today except for the gym we are staying inside. All homework that son didn’t do yesterday, he is doing today. He has gotten to the point where he is needing his Dad less and less for his homework. That is a good thing. I’m still pretty sharp in math but believe it or not folks Biology has changed in the 43 years since I took it. It is fun looking at all the things that are new or are further developed. He is going to a Christian school and my fear was that would teach the ill named creation science. So far no whiff of it and they are plowing right through the whole genetics and DNA thing but no whiff of evolution or Charles Darwin either.

Archive shot of me reading my Kindle with my favorite reading companion Chrissy who has been gone for about a year or so. RIP Chrissy, I still miss you.
I’ve gotten a lot of reading in this weekend. I am reading three books on my old school Kindle right now, Blue Highways by William Heat Least-Moon, The Magicians by Lev Grossman, and Edge of Eternity by Ken Follett. I read about 5% of a book, until it gets to a new chapter, and then switch. Around and around I go. It is kind of fun but I am almost sick of reading. Almost. I’ve been sick of television for some time so unless it is something special like Downton Abby or if I am in the house by myself so I can watch Breaking Bad on Netflix I just ignore the television. Except for the local news. I love the local news. I hate the national news. Not just Faux News but everybody’s. They all try to dramatize things and it just makes me anxious.
I’m anxious enough. The price of oil and gas has plunged and the energy companies have been letting lots of people go. We’ll have to see where that goes.
What about you? Do you like the national news.