Tag Archives: RIP

Rascal, RIP


Twelve years ago a very social, very well behaved, Pomeranian puppy showed up at our house and introduced himself. We took him in and tried to find his owner but no luck so he was ours. We named him Rascal.


We all fell in love with him. Very smart, and loved people and very in tune with everybody in the family


We called him the dog that goes. He loved going places and his walks.


He was a good sport, even if it involved dressing up for the occasion.


We called him a Diva. He loved getting groomed and kind of showed off a little bit. He was quite the flirt.

He was a beautiful dog was fully engaged in his world.


He started having multiple health issues. We did all sorts of things. He loved accupuncture and physcal therapy.

He was still active and loved going to see his friends in the neighborhood.

We took him on a trip earlier this year and he loved it.

He got to where he couldn’t walk very far so we got him a dog stroller. He got to where he liked that as well.

Anyway we lost him today. He was a trooper right up to the end. He’s in a much better place and we sure do miss him. Our pets just don’t live long enough.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters. Check it out, lots of people who love animals link there.