Tag Archives: Skywatch Friday. archives

Skywatch Friday – Mountain Memories

I’ve been laid up lately so I haven’t been taking any skywatch photos. So what does any self respecting blogger do in such a case? Of course they go to the archives. So here are some photos from a family trip to Idaho and Wyoming back in 2012


This is the back end of a thunderstorm that went through swan valley. The whole sky opened up in a deluge that lasted maybe two or three minutes and then it was over. The deluge was still happening it was just moving toward Wyoming quickly.

We were stopped at a store at Rainey Creek, Idaho. They sell square ice cream in many different flavors, and ours is huckleberry. I strongly recommend it.


Later in the day, we got to the Grand Teton National Park. We went to Mormon Row home of the most photographed barns in the world. The Mouton barns.


They were some bison there munching away on the tasty grass.


We had gone there to visit my father. Here we are on Teton Pass that afternoon.

Anyway, thanks for letting me do the blast from the past. It brings back lots of great memories.

Come check out Skywatch Friday. Lots of talented bloggers post their best work there.

I got cleared by my doctor today to go out and about so next week I’ll have new photos. Gotta tell you that though that they are not going to be of the Tetons or of a mountain storm passing through.