Tag Archives: Stokely Event Center

Suburban Adventuring to Stokely Event Center

Last week, son had a meeting to attend at our church. I’m always looking for a side trip for such things. There was an urban bike trail I wanted to explore and it was adjacent to where he was meeting. So I took my back and saddled up.


First part of the trail was nice. Nice and wide, protected from traffic and in good shape. (Sorry about the photo quality, I was using my generic go pro mounted on my bike and it was taking a photo every ten seconds.)


That lasted about a mile and then…


On to a sidewalk for me. Bicyclists are not suppose to ride on sidewalks but nobody else was using them so why not?


Got to a place where I could cross the busy highway. It took about five to ten minutes for a big enough gap opened up where I could get across the street safely. On the return trip I used a crosswalk at an intersection.


I was in a commercial area for most of the rest of the trip. I was marked as a bike route along with lots of helpful, but ignored, “Share the Road” signs. Actually everybody was pretty nice about it and gave me plenty of room.


And then back on a trail. There is an outdoor advertising company that owns an event center, Stokely Event Center. At the event center they have all sorts of vintage outdoor signs. Inside they have lots of neon signs. We have been to several events there and they do a great job. Very good hosts who are generous of the time and amenities that they provide. No nickel and diming. Check the link above.

They have huge billboards with painted replicas of old signs from Tulsa’s past. The billboards front a freeway intersection but you can’t really study them ripping by at 65 mph. The bike trail I was on also fronts them so I was able to go and check them out.

That was the whole purpose of my trip. Oh I could have driven and parked closer and walked on the trail but that’s no fun!!

Mission accomplished. So I just turned around and went back in time to pick up the kid.

Here is a map of my route. I learned a bunch for next time, except there probably will not be a next time.

Here’s a video of my adventure. I had a blast all though it was not what I would call a relaxing ride.

Linking with Skywatch Friday