Category Archives: Whining

Skywatch Friday – Whining Away the Days Edition


This pic is from late November. Since then it has turned cold, really cold. At least what we here in Oklahoma consider to be cold. Plus it snowed. So I have been inside fighting off the kid and the dogs and cats for space in front of the hearth. So I have lots of pics of Christmas Trees and ornaments and such. Not much in the way of skies or anything like that.

Closeup of Arkansas River Reflection

(View from my old office, sniff)

Gas Company #christmasdecorations from #popupshop #downtowntulsa #christmas #buydirectfromartist

(My new office, “Joy to the World” on beige)

Plus I went from a cubicle with a window to an inside office with lots of gas company beige. I am ashamed to say that I got so wrapped up in my napping work that I forget to look up and sunset time is over.


(Warmer times)

Generally, Wednesday night has been good Skywatch time for me because that is my weekly kitchen pass to go run. But with it getting dark at 5 pm and I don’t get off until 6 and don’t hit the river parks trail until 6:30 I am shuffling running in the dark now.

#christmastree #christmas #arkansasriver #quiktripplaza #tulsa #oklahoma #igersok
(However, last minute addition to the post. On my running last night, I did come across these Christmas trees on the river trails. They were a nice surprise.)

So sorry, I have no game this week, just a pic off my front porch as the sun was going down.

Skywatch Friday