One day early this week I went over to my Subway on Cheyenne in downtown Tulsa and got my usual: 6″ roasted chicken on wheat, no cheese, pickles, onions, olives, with apple chips as a side and a Diet Doctor Pepper. It being a nice day I ventured east to our new park to eat and watch the goings on.
On my way there I was accosted by an old black man. Oh no, I said to myself here we go.
“Sir”, he said. That is how they all start out.
“Yes,” I said as I kept on walking.
“Could I talk with you just a second?”
“What about?”
“I noticed you just came out of the Subway.”
“Yep,” I’m still walking. Stopping is a no no.
“I was wondering if you had any spare change?”
“No, actually all I want to do is eat my lunch.”
“Sir, I need to get to Oklahoma City, because I want to go to Phoenix to see my sister and the ticket is $23.” and I’m thinking why do they all have to go somewhere to get somewhere else to see their sister? I’ve quit asking them.
“Like I said, I just want to eat my lunch.”
“You can look at my ID, if you want.” That’s another common statement. What would that prove?
“No, I just want to eat my lunch in peace.”
“I just need some money sir. I need to get something to eat.”
“I’ll give you my lunch, but I’m not giving you a penny.”
“I don’t want your lunch sir.”
“If you are hungry, you can have my lunch.”
“Uh, ok,” so I hand him my lunch, and then I said, “Here take the drink too.” and he gives me the best line ever.,
“You didn’t drank from it did you?”
(I didn’t, I wouldn’t have offered it to him if I had.)
Now, I’ve done similar things before, not too often. A hungry man will not exactly snatch a bag of food out of your hand but you can tell somehow by the way they they put a grip on it when you hand it to them. This guy just stood there as I walked off.
I got clear of him on the other side of the park and turned to watch him. He walked over to the campaign office of one of our mayoral candidates and walked in. “What the heck?” I don’t even want to speculate.
The whole experience left me out of sorts and irritated. I bought another lunch somewhere else and managed to eat in peace.
I’ve always liked the scripture Leviticus 23:22: ” ‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God.'” (NIV)
I’m not a farmer of course but I like the idea that you are to leave a little bit for others. I can afford to donate a lunch every third year or so is how it turns out.
The homeless situation really puzzles me. I don’t want to make light of the situation. It looks totally miserable and dangerous to me. I can tell you that I cannot stand to be hungry and hate that some people especially children go to bed hungry at ngiht. It just seems to me sometimes that maybe the homeless are enabled by the enterprises that support them.
I mean just in one area north of downtown Tulsa we have a homeless ghetto” The Day Center for the Homeless, the Salvation Army Shelter, John 3:16 Mission we also have the Iron Gate Ministry at Trinity Episcopal Church and of course the City County Jail.
I don’t mean that these organizations are explointing the homeless or are not genuine. I am just wondering if we are supporting the lifestyle a little too much? Should we be trying to get them employed and in an apartment rather than just feeding them and kicking them out for the night? I was trying to do some research for this post and I found it almost impossible to get unbiased hard information about how many homeless there are. Their are widely differing statistics out there most of them by homeless advocacy organizations.
I don’t know what do you think?
By the way, I think I was totally scammed. I wanted my lunch back as soon as I gave it to him. Know something else, I don’t think he wanted it! I think he threw it away. We were like mutual victims of the conversation and couldn’t take it back.
WWOD? (What would Obama do?)
WWGBD? (What would Glenn Beck do?)