Super Hero

Its Labor Day today so I’m doing something a little different. It’s Real Housewives of Oklahoma’s McLinky Monday and the theme of their meme is SuperHero. So here is mine, 666BOI. You can make your own Super Hero here if you want.

666BOI can do lots of things, he can eat pizza with SuperPizzaBoy, go to concerts with Sweetie, and provide lots of entertainment at his doctor’s office with his various maladies related to geocaching. He is also the slowest runner on the planet, but he always finishes vertically.

Where did 666BOI come from? That is an ironic story. You know in the Bible how it says that God spoke the world into existence? Well RHOK’s own Miss Priss blogged 666BOI into being. She denies it of course but the proof is here. 666BOI did not exist before Miss Priss created him, fact. Of course Miss Priss denies a lot. For example she denies that she is Oklahoma’s Hottest MommyBlogger. You can see the proof of that here. (Don’t click on that in the presence of children or at your place of employment, I know seven people who have lost their jobs because they viewed the web site at work.)

Check out RHOK, create your own superhero, join’em.


13 thoughts on “Super Hero

  1. Sylvia K

    Well, you surely got my week off to a LOL start! What a hoot! So glad you end your slow runs vertically!!! Always appreciate your quirky sense of humor! Have a fun day!


  2. Janie

    Wow, 666BOI sounds astonishingly like… Yogi!
    Miss Priss certainly has a racy blog post. I suspect you rigged that, but I guess how.

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