Escape to Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffett

Saturday afternoon, Heather and I ventured downtown to the Tulsa Performing Arts Center and watched “Escape to Margaritaville” a touring Broadway production featuring the music of Jimmy Buffett in a musical with a romantic comedy production. It was a lot of fun listening the tunes. It turns out that other people can sing Buffett tunes besides Jimmy.

It was a lot of fun. Here is the schedule. They are going all over the country. Sioux Falls, South Dakota is next.

The Performing Arts Center in Tulsa required all attendees to wear masks and it looked to me like everybody was complying.

4 thoughts on “Escape to Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffett

  1. Penelope Notes

    What a joyful collection of clips. The dancing and music must have been a delight and soul nurturing to experience live, especially after all that the world is going through. Glad you shared the moments.

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