Tulsa Wildlife Update

I went hiking earlier this week on Turkey Mountain here in Tulsa. I came across this tiny frog traversing the trail.


I also went for a bike ride and took my camera with me again. As I was going down the trail I spotted a bald eagle flying high over me but headed down to the river. So I pulled out and spotted this guy fishing. That’s two weeks in a row I’ve seen a bald eagle in approximately the same location. Sorry for the fuzzy photo. I was at the far end of the range of my Canon Superzoom.


I also found this egret, or white heron or something several miles north of the Eagle out in the river looking for lunch.


And white pelicans on a sandbar.


And a log with two pairs of turtles. I didn’t know that momma turtles gave baby turtles piggy back (turtle back?) rides.


And a great blue heron. Again at pretty good range. They are skittish!!

That’s it for this week. I am linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Lots of really good posts there. Check it out.

12 thoughts on “Tulsa Wildlife Update

  1. Eileen

    Hello Alan,
    Wonderful wildlife sightings. The tiny frog is cute and I love seeing the turtles.
    Great captures of the Eagle, Egret, Pelicans and the Heron.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. DeniseinVA

    Great series of birds, and frog 🙂 I would likely fall out of my shoes if I saw a Bald Eagle, and probably if I saw a white pelican. I haven’t seen any of them in years.

  3. Natasha

    That looks like a lovely ride.

    The Bald headed eagle, the pelicans, the heron, egret and the turtles are beauties.

    Turtles pile on top of each other to get exposed to more sun-rays. They do this in order to receive as much UV as they can, and also for warmth. So not just Mamma turtle and the off-springs but even adult turtles. 🙂

    Need to get back to all these outdoorsy activities soon. Biking, birding. Been way too long. The thing is my 14-year old is an avid birder, so we would invariably go birding every week. Ever since she went to boarding, it’s come to a halt.

    Thanks for sharing. Makes me ponder and reset my weekends -fingers crossed!

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