Tulsa Jingle Bell Run 2022 5K

Dallas Cowboys Santa Cap, Heated Vest, and downtown Tulsa in the Background.

Last Saturday I ran the Arthritis Foundation’s Jingle Bell 5K in Tulsa. It is a fund raiser with races in almost all the bigger cities.

You can tell we have drouth going on. The Arkansas River is way down.

Back when I used to run a lot the Jingle Bell Run was a must do. They had the best tshirts!! Big thick shirts with bold graphics. I think the fastest 5K I ever ran was during Jingle Bell Run. I think the temperature was 9 degrees F. I was motivated!!

Fall Color!!

Years ago, they used to have the run adjacent to a large inside space so you could stay inside where it was warm and when you finished you could go inside and warm up.


None of that nowadays! The race started in a big open field with a cold wind bearing down direct from the north pole.

All the slow folks, like me, are bundled up.

Don’t feel sorry for me though. I volunteered to run the race and brought my heated vest that Heather got me for Christmas last year.

More Fall Color

It worked great. Not only does it warm the body but it also warms your neck and has heated pockets!! So I was warm.

The route went right by the Route 66 Neon Sign Park.

In fact as the race went on, I turned the heating elements on my vest off.

Crossing the Arkansas River looking south.

The race went up and down the Arkansas River using the River Parks trail system. I am up for a fast walk up and down the riverparks. I always see something new there.

I finished out of the money but I got a very nice participation medal. I don’t know exactly how I finished in relation to others in my age group for some reason they don’t have a link to the timing company on their web page. I’ve sent an email asking about it.

And the tee shirt. Still a very nice, thick tee shirt.

So I walked the whole way. Nowdays my fast walking pace is only a bit slower than my trotting pace so I just took it easy. Enjoyed myself immensely. I’ll be back next year.

10 thoughts on “Tulsa Jingle Bell Run 2022 5K

  1. Ellen

    Good for you getting out on a cold day. I have a heated vest on my wish list so I hope Santa is paying attention.

  2. Vicki

    What a great gift you received from Heather, and congratulations for finishing the race!
    Wow, the river is definitely down a lot!

  3. Sallie

    Congrats on finishing — and in fact for participating. Somehow I find it ironic that this cold cold run was in aid of the Arthritis Foundation because it is making my bones ache just to think about being outside in the weather you describe.

  4. DrillerAA

    LOVE that Will Rogers Motor Court sign. What a great piece of local history. The heated vest sounds like just the thing for many outdoor adventures. Make a great accessory for a cold football game.

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