Titus 3:3-5


The cross above looms over Interstate 35 north of Oklahoma City. It was erected several years ago by a church. I remember that it was kind of controversial at the time but I think everybody is used to it by now. I mean it sits on private property and doesn’t have neon lights or anything on it so, what does it hurt.

In my own mind I’ve turned it into a memorial for a good friend of mine who was hit by a car and died while jogging on a freeway frontage road a few miles away. He was one of the nicest guys I’ve ever known. A devoted family man and a much loved friend and colleague by almost everybody that knew him. He died over a decade ago and I still cannot believe he is gone and miss him very much.

One thing I know is that one day I, and many of his other friends and certainly his family, will see him again.

But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared,
he saved us,
not because of righteous things we had done,
but because of his mercy.

Titus 3:3-5 (NIV)

For other pairings check out That’s Baloney

5 thoughts on “Titus 3:3-5

  1. SandyCarlson

    That’s an impressive cross. We have a big one in Waterbury that is lit every night. It’s a landmark put up by the Knights of Columbus years and years ago. It’s how we know we’re home.

    A beautiful tribute to your friend.

  2. Zhu

    I can imagine it was controversial! No way it would be allowed in France 😀 In Canada, maybe… maybe not.

    The USA and their take on religion always fascinated me (and I’m not being sarcastic).

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