Sioux Valley Baptist Church, established. 1889
I’ve been traveling again, and I apologize for not being as active as I would like to be. I went up to South Dakota for a family reunion. It’s been four years since my last visit, so I had some catching up to do with a lot of people.
The church above was built on land donated by my great great grandfather way back when in 1889. It was a church for Danish immigrants who settled in southeast South Dakota. The second Sunday in August is the Reunion Sunday service where the little church is packed with family. Afterwards there is a picnic in town. This has been going on for decades. It is always nice to see people.
I’m linking with Skywatch Friday
This is so cool! There is a generous spirit in your family line and something positive and historic that binds you all together. 🙂
I love the newer churches but the older ones are my favorites.
…I like white country churches!
That’s a lovely old church and it’s a real blessing to know so much about your family history.
A cute little church. Sounds like a very old-fashioned sort of community, with the picnic in town. Like I see in movies!
That’s a sweet church!
Beautiful church! I love your sister’s photo from the Tetons, one of my favorite parks.
Enjoy your trip and family reunion. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!
I love seeing old church buildings.
The church is a beauty and the white really pops out with the dramatic sky above it. Great shot!
What a fascinating history. I didn’t realize your family roots went back so far in the area. Wonderful!
I love the older country churches. I don’t take enough pictures of them. Your family ties to the church make this photo even more special. It’s a wonderful thing to have an annual family reunion, even if you can’t always make it – let’s hope no more pandemics in our lifetimes.
It’s wonderful they’ve kept that tradition going for so long — that’s quite rare most places I think. The church reminds me of “Little House on the PraIrie” somehow — story-book perf ect.
Good capture.
Bella iglesia. Te mando un beso.
Gorgeous atmosphere! I love the contrast between the cute church and the dramatic sky.
You’ve been busy! Thanks for hosting Skywatch Friday. I enjoy it. Amazing history of this church, and you’re lucky to still have reunions after all these years.
Beautiful Church, Great post.