Skywatch Friday – Father’s Day at the Tulsa Botanic Garden

For Father’s Day early this month, Heather and Logan treated me to an outing at the Tulsa Botanic Garden.

I see where taking photos at an angle is artistic, so here we are.

I loaded up my macro lens and off we went. I love taking photos of the blooms as wells as the whole plant. I know very little about flowers but I love the colors.

I loved the colorful yarrow

And all the other flowers

Daylillies were putting on a show.


I couldn’t get enough of them.


Zinnias are always a favorite.

The garden arranged for several sports cars at a local museum to be on display as well. I love the Jaguar E type. Who doesn’t love a twelve cylinder engine.

Vintage Corvette’s are the best.

And an MG-TC. A beautiful car.

I posted this photo on my of my blog entries last week. I didn’t know what the deal was. I called the Garden’s office on Wednesday and they told me that these bison are moved down to the gardens as part of their Christmas light show. So I will have to check it out later this year. Mystery solved.

So I had a great Father’s Day.

I’m linking with Skywatch Friday and My Corner of the World

16 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – Father’s Day at the Tulsa Botanic Garden

  1. Lisa

    Good to know where the bison came from, now you’ll need to see them lit up! Lovely bright yarrow. I miss living near botanic gardens. My favorite was Tilden, in CA.

  2. Mascha

    What a great day with alle flowers and oldtimers (in german we say it for vintage cars). The red and pink yarrow I have in my garden.
    Have a nice weekend

  3. Alana

    Beautiful blooms and cars. I wonder about the lily in picture #6; I’ve never seen those kind of markings on a day lily. Wonder if it’s another type of lily – in any event, it was pretty and I’ll just call it a lily.


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