My Corner of the World – Red River Happenings

We decided to take a last minute vacation to New Mexico. Spend a few days at Red River, up in the moutains and then go spend some time in Santa Fe. It has been a long time since we have escaped to the moutains.

Of course we had to drive the endless miles through Oklahoma to the mountains. Including endless waiting for trains where one literally could not see the end of the train!!

But hey we got there, gasping at the 8750 ft elevation but thrilled at the low temperatures. We have been getting baked in Oklahoma lately so the low temps and humidity were welcome.

The food and drink there were not bad.

The Red River winds through town. It is not a big river but the ducks like it. The trout did as well. People were pulling them out pretty regularly. Apparently the city has spent a bunch of money over the years creating “fish parks” narrowing the channel, planting trees and shrubs on the banks. The fish have responded. They like it.

It makes for a chill vibe. People are low key and friendly.

The city has several public fishing ponds.

One day when the family was resting I went venturing for a geocache close to where we were staying.

It was located in a beautiful mountain cemetery right close to town.

I even had company.

We got off to a good start. I’ll be posting more.

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9 thoughts on “My Corner of the World – Red River Happenings

  1. Veronica Lee

    It sounds like you had a wonderful escape to the mountains!
    The cool temperatures and serene vibe by the Red River must have been a refreshing change.
    The “fish parks” sound like a great idea, and your geocaching adventure in the mountain cemetery sounds intriguing.
    Looking forward to hearing more about your trip!

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