My Corner of the World – 2024 Chalk It Up Festival

The Tulsa suburb of Broken Arrow had their 2024 edition of the “Chalk It Up Art Festival” on their Main Street last weekend. Artists who entered got a designated space on the blocked-in street to create a work of art with chalk. We try and go every year. Lots of people enter and they are quite talented. The theme this year was “In My Own Back Yard” The following were my favorites.

Lots of entries featured pets.

Some had kind of a fantasy thing going.

This reminded us of our dear departed Rascal. He was such a good dog.

As a kid who couldn’t stay inside the lines on my grade school art projects, I appreciate people who bend the rules a little bit.

And I loved this. Who doesn’t love blowing dandelion seeds in the wind.

I think this won the “People’s Choice” award.

I think this had best in show. I love the deep rich colors of the work.

Another dog, Mango has his own swimming pool.

I think there were over fifty entries including those from children to adult artists. A talented group of artists for sure. They have Chalk It Up on the weekend of the September every year.

Sad thing is that the artists can’t dig up their huge pieces of pavement and take them home. Late Saturday afternoon, the police take up the barricades blocking traffic and people waste no time driving on this art. Oh well, that the nature of it.

I am linking with My Corner of the World

10 thoughts on “My Corner of the World – 2024 Chalk It Up Festival

  1. Veronica Lee

    These are amazing!
    I especially love the pet-inspired pieces—so cute!
    It’s a bummer that the art doesn’t last long, but that’s the fun of chalk!

    Happy Wednesday, Yogi!

  2. Mascha

    Wow, what a lot of beauty! My favorite is #2.
    We had such competitions in the former GDR too, but only for children. I always was happy to take part. The prize went to a girl who had chalk from the western part of Germany – the colors were much brighter than our chalk….


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