Tulsa’s 2025 Martin Luther King Day Parade

Monday, January 20th was a huge day for America. An historic day that all Americans honored.

Martin Luther King Day!! Of course and many of celebrated by participating in or watching the Parade for the day in the Greenwood District of Tulsa, just north of downtown.

It was bitterly cold but that didn’t stop neither the participants nor the watchers.

Lots of civic organizations, city government, the University of Tulsa

And Oklahoma State University were represented.

My former employer, ONEOK, Inc has been a sponsor and participant for years. They had a nice float,

and a ton of marchers braving the cold. One thing that was missing that I was looking forward to was their drill team. I participated as a marcher in 2019, not in the drill team. I made a video back then of them practicing before the parade.

I think they are pretty good. They should come back!!

And here is ONEGAS, our sister company, they broke apart years ago.

And Williams Corporation, another huge employer and growing, headquartered in Houston. I expect one of these days a merger between ONEOK and Williams. When that happens they’ll probably move their headquarters to Houston. Houston is the center of the energy universe and has been that way for over a half century.

And here is our District Attorney walking with Tulsa Police officers.

And QuikTrip, a big convenience store chain headquartered in Tulsa. I got a couple of gift certificates for coffee.

They floats and marchers just kept on coming. After an hour I left. I was freezing.

Watching the Tulsa community turn out in force to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King was definitely the high point for me on Monday.

I am linking with My Corner of the World

6 thoughts on “Tulsa’s 2025 Martin Luther King Day Parade

  1. A ShutterBug Explores

    Wow! Great parade and photos to honor a unique man ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

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