Mayo Motor Inn

I just love experimenting around with my Takashi Digital Lomo Camera.


It has some interesting distortions up close.


Among other modes, it can do black and white, or


negative. I haven’t figured out what triggers the distortions though.


Strangely enough all these except the last are straight out of the camera. All I did on the last photo was crop it.

Paying extra for bad photographs. What a concept.

Signs, Signs

21 thoughts on “Mayo Motor Inn

  1. GW Bill Miller

    Granny – The motive is curiosity. He is an engineer, remember?

    Yogi – A wide angle lens will distort like that when held close up. Maybe you were farther back when you took the last one.

  2. Alyssa

    Cool photos! Where is that, downtown I assume? I dig the ‘negative’ mode! Plus the distortion is kinda quirky and charming. Were you going to quirky and charming?

  3. Sylvia K

    You are having fun with photography, aren’t you? And I do love the results you get!! Terrific captures for the day and I hope it’s been a good day!


  4. Genie

    Does the sign really curve like that, or is it the camera? At first I thought I was going to see a sign advertising mayonnaise…don’t guess so. Love the variations on the theme. genie

  5. Sallie (FullTime-Life)

    That’s fun! As long as you can get un-distorted ones when you want to! I”d probably get stuck on the distorted mode and have to have those for the rest of my life.

    (My daughter got hers stuck on sports mode — where it takes a bunch of rapid fire repeats — she had 70 zillion pictures of a flower in her garden.

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