Meet my New Friends


(No, that’s not my new friend, that’s me before Sweetie kissed me the first time. She’s told me more than once she sure didn’t know what she was getting herself into. Look at Sweeties fingernails!!)


My regular readers know that I like to go geocaching. I like to to go a lot.


My favorites are out away from people. It’s kind of a solitary hobby. I mean not many people like to while away the hours out in the woods or in cemeteries pondering life, and looking for tupperware.


But, Monday I spent a few hours in Wichita, Kansas’ Pawnee Prairie Park. I am in Wichita on business infrequently and when I have some free time I check out the Park. Monday, I had all sorts of help geocaching.


They kept their distance, but they were not too afraid of me.


Occasionally they would run off but most of the time they just kept an eye on me.


Talk about ears, they could hear the camera lens opening and extending a long ways away.


Often there was a mom with her fawns.


This last little guy was by himself. I don’t think he knew what to do. He never did try to hide or run or anything so I gave him lots of  room. I don’t think he was more than three feet tall.

Yep, I made lots of friends at  Pawnee Prairie Creek Park.

Have you made a good friend lately.?

14 thoughts on “Meet my New Friends

  1. Sylvia K

    What a fun way to end my day! You are very good at that, you know! Great way to spend your free time indeed! And thank you for sharing it with us. Hope your week is off to a great start — does sound like it it!


  2. Gaelyn

    Seems like out in the woods pondering life is a great way to make friends. I ran into a few squirrels today and met lots of international and local visitors.

  3. Ryan

    Never tried it myself…yet however I’ve only heard good things about geo-caching. Looks like a fun day with lots of new friends made.

  4. Lois Evensen

    Looks like a really fun day.

    And, that Tupperware needed a good friend, that’s for sure. Hopefully, it was out there alone. Perhaps it could find someone to bring it to a recycle place to be with more of its friends. 🙂

  5. Territory Mom

    OMG, I love these photos. Our new friends are new baby beavers(I think they are called kits). I’m working on getting some photos up soon. Your blog makes me smile.

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