Shadows and Reflections


It was colder than you know what today and the windy was up but I bundled up and went on a walk today. The sky was clear and I was enjoying the sun. My employer has a new plaza in front of the building and I love it. It replaced a lot of odd 1980’s planters and design features with and open concept area with shade and seating areas with interesting shadows. See the light areas above? They are supposed to look like natural gas flames like on a stove or a gas light. Yeah, I know you gotta use your imagination. Since I work for a gas company I think that it is a nice touch. Too bad they don’t have some gas fireplaces out there.


I went to the north end of downtown. I like the reflections of our all glass city hall on the back of the performing arts center. It gave the the all beige concrete exterior a little “liquidy” look. Liquidy is a word in Oklahoma, just so you know.


This is our brand new state of the art drunk driver proof fountain at Bartlett Square.  You know the Bartlett Square with the Circle Drive (or roundabout, my British readers may say). It is all so confusing to me. It must be confusing to drunk drivers also because our two previous conventional fountains got totalled by the drunks ramming into them at night. This new one has a low profile so they can drive right over it plus it has flashing lights. We cater to our drunks here in Oklahoma.

You can see how cold it is. At high noon there is still a lot of ice around the fountain.

Linking with Our World Tuesday

13 thoughts on “Shadows and Reflections

  1. DrillerAA

    I like liquidy, a lot. very nicely captured. Tulsa has been trying to figure out what to do with Bartlett Square and it’s fountain ever since it was originally built. Maybe they should just turn it back into a standard intersection. That’s probably not going to happen.

  2. fun60

    That’s a first for me – a drunk proof fountain. Have you let the drunk drivers know so they’ll know where to head when they finished drinking?

  3. DeniseinVA

    These are such neat and interesting photos. I grew up with roundabouts and it’s only in the last few years that they have started appearing around here. There were a lot of accidents on them, we even witnessed a couple. Now, hopefully, people are beginning to get used to them and see their worth. Thanks for visiting, your comment made me laugh. It reminded me of Mark Twain’s quote, a favorite. “When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.”

  4. Eileen

    I like the new plaza and fountain.. When it is icy shouldn’t the water be turned off? A gas fireplace would really be nice in the winter.. Great shots! Have a happy day!

  5. apaley

    You made me laugh out loud with your commentary on the pictures. I don’t think we have roundabouts for drunks in the UK – we’re probably cheapskates over here and prefer to put points on their licences and fine them OR throw them in jail.

    With a little imagination you can see flames in the shadows – mind you, I have a vivid imagination and, provided you guide me with what it’s supposed to be, then I can usually see something or other.

    We’re promised 90mph winds – joy.

  6. Sallie (FullTime-Life)

    Liquidy is beautiful. (BTW, There’s a marina here that advertises “Okie spoken here”. )). It is too bad that the lovely courtyard does not have a real gas fire! You could use it in that cold.

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