Tag Archives: Bunnis

Tulsa Weekend Critters – 9 March 2024 Edition


I was at Tulsa’s Oxley Nature Center and came across this bee hive in a downed tree and the bees were active. So I stood off a ways with my camera and took a bunch of photos but I couldn’t tell at the time if they were any good. I got home and I got this bee coming in for a landing. I was pretty happy with the photo.

More backyard bunnies at the house.

Lizzie chilling at home


At Lafortune Park I found this guy and his girl testing out the pond.

And the moose is loose!!


A squirrel getting a snack


A couple of geese getting their feet wet.


A sure sign of spring.


And another great blue heron. They are all over town this spring.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters