Tag Archives: Lizzy

Saturday’s Critters – Peace in the House

I was home with son the other day and all was quiet and I came upon this scene. Lizzy the cat and Kodi the dog were laying close to each other without fighting. On these cold days they both like sunshine so they were enjoying each other’s company. Usually when Lizzy is in close reach, Kodi chases her.

They stayed that way for quite a while son and I gawked over them.

Kodi is enjoying the tree. Lizzy used to climb up in the tree and we had to perform several extractions, so far no extractions this year.

Kodi has really developed a taste for beef. We were reheating some leftover roast beef the other day and he decided wanted some. His system is delicate and so as a treat I give him deli beef used in sandwiches.

Lizzie found a Christmas throw on our sectional that she has taken over.

I wish each and every one out there in the interwebs a Merry Christmas, and if you don’t celebrate the holiday, I wish you peace and happiness. I get great pleasure and fulfillment from my “blog friends.” Photoblogs are the peaceful happy corner of the internet.

Saturday’s Critters

Saturday’s Critters – 23 November 2024 Edition


A couple of geese on Tulsa’s Swan Lake (which is really a large pond.)

Our chill cat Lizzy taking bathing herself on the back of our sectional.

And yawning big for a nap.

Kodi, our Pomeranian is settling in for a nap as well. This is all making me sleepy.

I’m linking with Eileeen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out!

Weekend Critters – Waterfowl


Earlier this week I went on a hike at Oxley Nature Center. I heard all sorts of birds and got brief views of some of them. The only photo I got is of these waterfowl on one of the ponds on a long shot. I think they are mainly ducks and maybe a couple of geese.

I am still not much of a birder. I am hiking along and I can tell that I am really close and yet I hardly ever see the smaller birds and the cardinals are very skittish and stay in the brush so it is hard to get a photo of them. It is fun that with the Merlin App I can at least identify them. Still I only have about five birds on my life list. Oh well.

Back home here is Kodi the Pomeranian resting.

And Lizzy the cat resting trying to escape from the house cleaners.

On the human little critters. Halloween is just too stressful for Kodi so we go dark. Turn out the porch and driveway lights and the lights in the rooms at the front of the house. So something funny happened. This group of kids showed up and rang the doorbell anyway and misread out “No Soliciting” sign.

That’s a wrap, linking with Saturday’s Critters this week.

Critters Big and Small – Under a New Roof

Our big thing this week is our new roof. It was supposed to take two days but it will end up being four because of our steep pitch. I know one thing, it is not the workers. They are amazing. They show up early and work hard until 6 pm or so with only about 30 minutes for lunch and then they clean up everything really well before they leave. I think they are amazing. They are loud though!

Our poor little Kodi did not like it one bit! He’s kind of anxious anyway so he had a hard time of it.

Lizzy the cat dealt with it by taking over Kodi’s crate.

We are almost done now. We just have to get the new guttering on Monday morning.

On another front we have had some visitors in our backyard. I was told by a professional naturalist that this is a Red Spotted Purple Butterfly. I think it is beautiful.

Google images told me that this is a Gulf Fritillary. It is also beautiful.

That’s about it for this week. I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Critters – Late March 2024 Edition

My wife and I were taking our dog for a walk the other day and we came upon this guy/gal. INaturalist says it is a Ruddy Shelduck. It had three friends nearby and they had a very cool vocalization that I did not capture. I come to find out that a neighboring subdivision owns them and they escape quite frequently.


My wife put up bird feeders and the grackles really appreciate it. Talk about loud and noisy though.

Lizzy gave me a big yawn when I was trying to get a portrait.

Skinnery Oak Bobwhite Sculpture

Here is a sculpture at a nearby park of a dog flushing some bobwhite quail.


We visited Tulsa’s Botanic Gardens today and in addition to the beautiful flowers, shrubs, and other plantings they had an exhibit of animals made out of Legos by an artist. This is a spiny anteater.

That’s a wrap for this week. I am linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out.

Tulsa Weekend Critters – 9 March 2024 Edition


I was at Tulsa’s Oxley Nature Center and came across this bee hive in a downed tree and the bees were active. So I stood off a ways with my camera and took a bunch of photos but I couldn’t tell at the time if they were any good. I got home and I got this bee coming in for a landing. I was pretty happy with the photo.

More backyard bunnies at the house.

Lizzie chilling at home


At Lafortune Park I found this guy and his girl testing out the pond.

And the moose is loose!!


A squirrel getting a snack


A couple of geese getting their feet wet.


A sure sign of spring.


And another great blue heron. They are all over town this spring.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters

Saturday Critters – Our Pets – 2022

We lost our beloved Abby (right) to lymphoma on Wednesday. She was a bright, energetic, highly engaged dog almost up to the end. She was the straw that stirred the drink, so to speak, among the pets in our house. On the left is her cat buddy Lizzy.

Abby always liked to update her barkbook status first thing in the morning despite our efforts to shush her. We had a cranky neighbor who more than once came over to our front door and pointed at her and growled at me about the matter. Fortunately, he moved somewhere else. I miss Abby but I don’t miss our miserable neighbor.

Abby’s loss was proceeded by the death of our dachsund mix, Ginger last September. Ginger was the boss dog of the house and brooked no nonsense from either the dogs nor the cats and would give me an earful if I was late with her meals.

Abby loved barking at my drone, at the neighbor’s dogs, at dogs, cows, and horses on television. She was very verbal.

These are LJ and Lizzy, brother and sister. They play with each other a lot.

Our remaining dog is Rascal, a Pomeranian. He’s kind of our baby but he is old now and has lung, heart, and hip problems. We don’t know how long he is going to be around.

Abby and Rascal together

He and Abby loved to hang out together and loved to go on walks with each other to go bark and their friends in the neighborhood. Rascal I think wonders what happened to his buddy Abby.

But he still loves walking even though we have to pick him up and carry him home after he sees his friends.

You know our pets just don’t live long enough but we have them and love them anyway.

RIP Abby

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Go check it out!!

Saturday’s Critters – Domesticity


Rascal, our Pomeranian (the black blob to the left” sufferred a hip and knee injury some months ago and has been getting therapy including acupuncture and it is really paying off. We have been walking him and Abby for a mile every day and they love it and pout when we can’t take them out. We have a one-mile route through our greenbelt that takes them by the backyards of several houses with dogs. The dogs give each a good barking.

Our lady of leisure, Lizzy, has taken over this tray on our coffee table. She has a number of favorite napping spots in the house.

Here’s an artsy shot of LJ in the shadows getting some sun. Sun is the next best thing to the fireplace for him.


All our multitude of birds have disappeared. I put out the trail cam one day and all I got was this female cardinal, all day long.


I love to capture the blurs of birds as they fly off, so this was a week and a half ago.

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday Critters, come join the party!!

Weekend Critters – Queen of the House

Our Lizzie thinks she is a queen. Whenever we fold towels, she always shows up and rests her elbows on them. Doesn’t take kindly to being told to move.

She is such a brat.

Abby likes pillows too.

We have been inundated with rabbits this year. This was followed by hawks. I’m not sure who is going to win. My money is on the hawks.

And a bonus. Here is our patio with the blue chairs from about 35 meters or so.

Also at the request of several fellow bloggers I got my web site security upgraded to the https protocol. I hope that helps. I know several bloggers that have that protocol who’s sights causes my security system to warn me. Just so much I don’t understand about all this.

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday Critters