Tag Archives: Squirrels

Saturday’s Critters – Backyard and More


A flock of sparrows mobbing our feeder


Cardinals don’t seem to mind sharing


Squirrels want it all for themselves


A squirrel getting a drink and scrutinizing the trailcam


Catching Kodi, the Pomeranian, in the back yard

I went on a hike at Ray Harral Nature Center. Most of the critters were elusive. This fat little guy watched me while I walked by as he ate his lunch.

I could hear birds but didn’t see them except for glimpses of the cardinal.

I still haven’t seen a Carolina Wren in real life. I don’t add birds to my life list unless I see them and get a photograph. I think I am up to eight birds on my list. Don’t laugh at me.


I went on a walk along the Arkansas River and saw these. I think they are seagulls.

That’s a wrap. I’m wishing everyone and their families a Happy and Healthy New Years.

I am linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Thanksgiving Weekend Critters


I fired up the trailcam in the backyard. It captured this handsome tuxedo cat sneaking up on something. We have all sorts of field mice and small birds hanging around the backyard.


It looks like he is looking at the overturned barrel planter.


Earlier in the day a squirrel was checking out the wheelbarrow.


Back the next day checking out the barrel.


We had another Coopers Hawk perched on our back fence right above the wheel barrow.

Cooper's Hawk

He stayed there quite a while and kept looking at the ground. I’m sure he was hungry.

Here’s our little Kodi dog, the Pomeranian sporting his Thanksgiving hairdo and tie. I swear he prances around after a new hairdo.

And here’s Lizzy with a Thanksgiving nap. She’s a championship napper. Nobody naps like a cat.

I hope everybody who celebrates Thanksgiving had a good one. Ours was a little quiet this year.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Critters – In and Out Edition


Here’s a sculptural critter, some sort of heron I think at the Linnaeus Demonstration Gardens.

And another artistic critter. This little girl on the back of a turtle at the Tulsa Botanic Garden.

I hardly ever use my drone for critter photography and this is “Appeal to the Great Spirit” at Woodward Park. I used my drone to get a different perspective on this sculpture.


In the backyard I got this squirrel getting his photo taken.


And a bunny out past 3 am.


And this leaping squirrel.


And some birds buzzing the backyard on a high speed low altitude run.


And these guys going for suet feeder.


And a Canadian Goose at Woodward Park contemplating the pros and cons of staying vs migrating.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters

Saturday’s Critters – Backyard Edition


Here’s our pugnacious pomeranian Kodi after a recent hairdo. He sure looks dapper with the cute cut and the halloween cat themed tie.

And another Gulf Fritillary in the backyard.


And a squirrel on a recent evening. It has been hot lately.


I love catching birds in the act of landing or taking off like this one coming in for a landing.


Or this one getting ready to land on a suet feeder not pictured.


Every once in a while I catch critters of all types staring right at the camera even though there is no flash, click or other indication. Somehow they know!!

That’s all this for this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters.

Saturday’s Critters – June 1, 2024 Edition


I went on a bike ride one day and I saw this Eagle fishing out in the middle of the Arkansas River here in Tulsa.


I saw this white pelican as well. There were not as many as there has been in the recent past.


Nearby I saw this great egret also fishing.


And a great blue heron.


A target of opportunity a short while later. This northern mockingbird landing on this wire right in front of me.


At Lafortune Park on a different day I came across this blue jay who sat still while I took his photo.

At home this week I got out of my car and saw this black swallowtail butterfly enjoying my wife’s purple coneflowers. People on instagram said “great job.” I just happened to be there, praise the butterfly.

Here’s a video of the butterfly.

Here is out little Pomeranian, Kodi. He is a bit much to handle these days. He won’t let me pick him up or even clip a leash on him. He’s a little dog with big feelings. And a bit wild eyed especially with this filter I put on his photo.

Now the squirrels have attitude. They don’t move when you tell them to do so. It’s like they say, you move, after you refill the feeder.


Most of our robins are down on the ground. This guy got up on the rooftop and sang for a while. I guess he is looking for love.


These grackles are just taking over!! At least they fly off when you tell them to.

My wife and I went on a hike the other day and came across this doe and her yearling. The young’in was jumpy, mom seed chill. They paralleled us on the trail for quite a ways.

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out.

Suburban Backyard Critters

The wind blows here in Oklahoma and with a motion sensitive trailcam I can get hundreds of photos of nothing really fast if I point it to a hanging bird feeder or trees. Wind the wind blows I point it at our bird bath or a stationary feeder.


We get a lot of robins showing up for a drink.


And doves


At the stationary feeder we offer whole peanuts and sunflowers seeds. Those are popular with squirrels, grackles,


and blue jays.


Not in our backyard but from the Tulsa Botanic Garden a monochromatic lego lion!!

I am linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters

Tulsa Area Critters


A momma goose sitting on a nest on a sandbar in a creek flowing the through the grounds of Philbrook Museum of Art. Her mate was busy chasing people away, including us.


A little chubby squirrel snacking on the grounds of Philbrook.

Another squirrel perturbed by us sitting out on our patio.

Kodi the Pomeranian loves laying out in the sun.


A grackle getting a drink.

Kodi loves finding sticks. He exchanges them for a treat. Is that a spoiled brat looking face or what!

Lizzy the Cat gets kind of talkative every now and then. Critters are a hoot.


Another Lego critter from our trip to the Tulsa Botanic Garden. This one is a dodo bird. Which is extinct.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters. Check it out!!

Tulsa Weekend Critters – 9 March 2024 Edition


I was at Tulsa’s Oxley Nature Center and came across this bee hive in a downed tree and the bees were active. So I stood off a ways with my camera and took a bunch of photos but I couldn’t tell at the time if they were any good. I got home and I got this bee coming in for a landing. I was pretty happy with the photo.

More backyard bunnies at the house.

Lizzie chilling at home


At Lafortune Park I found this guy and his girl testing out the pond.

And the moose is loose!!


A squirrel getting a snack


A couple of geese getting their feet wet.


A sure sign of spring.


And another great blue heron. They are all over town this spring.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters

Saturday’s Critters – Caught in the Act!!


I’ve got tons of photos of squirrels from my backyard trailcam. This is the only one I have where the squirrel seems to have spotted the camera. I’ve seen other critters, rabbits and raccoons look at the camera on night photos but never a squirrel. Anyway I like this guy bending his flexible neck to check the camera out.

Here in the USA we have an almost nationwide deep freeze going on. Stay warm and bring your pets inside folks.

I’m linking to Saturday’s Critters this morning.

Saturday’s Critters – at Home

Kodi with his Thanksgiving tie

Here’s our one year old pomeranian, Kodi. He was kind of shaggy so he went to the groomer today and he got all trimmed up and got a special Thanksgiving tie to boot. He tore it off very quickly but we got a photo of him.


Here he is in the back yard. He loves picking up acorns and bringing them inside to trade for a treat.


And a black and white cat who shows up when it is dark.


And sometimes in broad daylight.


And a first sighting for this light colored cat.


And of course squirrels. We are inundated with them.

And I’m linking this week with Saturday’s Critters