Tag Archives: Christmas Trees

Saturday’s Critters – 7 December 2024 Edition

Hey its getting to be Christmas. We pulled the tree out of the attic and stood it up and guess what? The lights still light up!! Outstanding. Plus, it’s my tradition that when Heather turns her head I put the star on the tree. It stays up there until she notices it.

This is our Pom Kodi. It looks like he is looking at the tree. Nope, he’s looking at the door to the utility room waiting for my wife come home. Kodi likes her lots more than he likes me. Notice the topper on the tree.

Our cat Lizzy likes Christmas trees as well. When she was younger she would climb up into it. She always waited until it was fully decorated. Kind of hard to perform a cat extraction with a fully decorated tree. I thought I had a photo of her in the tree but I couldn’t find it.

Kodi weighing himself

Our silly Pom saw us getting on our scale so he tried it also. He even put all four feet on it. He was too light to register a weight.

And here he is chilling out in his bed waiting for my wife to come home. He thinks that I am no fun.

Here is the tree at our gym. Complete with a stuffed lion. This morning somebody added a full size kangaroo. I forgot to a photo of it so you will just have to take my word for it.

We went on a dog walk our greenbelt spotted this great blue heron looking lost. He was about 30 feet from a little creek. He let us get pretty close and then he flew up and got on the peak of a house nearby. He looked pretty comical. I didn’t take a photo because I am leery of taking photos of people’s homes,

I was at Woodward Park yesterday evening and up walked this gaggle of geese. They reminded me of a gang, marauding through the park. Luckily, they ignored me.

And that is all that I have this week. Actually, I have more, but this is enough for this week. Check out Saturday’s Critters.

Lizzie Loves Christmas Trees

Our cat Lizzie has always liked Christmas. In particular the trees. She used to climb them but she is too fat do that now. Still when we put them up she shows up and gives them a good sniffing.

She has to check out fake evergreen closely.

My wife bought new cushions for the chairs in the front room where the big tree is. Lizzie loves them. She would rather lean on something than lay on it.

Time for a nap. I’m wondering if she is dreaming of sugar plums.

I am linking with Eileen’s Weekend Critters. Come join in!

It’s Getting to be Christmas


Well we are running behind schedule on Christmas this year. This is the tree. Heather put on the Topper just to keep me from putting on the Dallas Cowboy Star. I strung the lights. Oh well, we have a lot going on in our family right now. Believe me. Buy me a beer and I’ll tell you about it. Buy me three or four and you will hear all of it but you will have to drive me home.


Oh well, what keeps it fun is that Lizzie the kitten is enjoying the dickens out of Christmas.


And at work, the Large Projects Group that I work in has a tree. It was a woman engineer that raised the cash from us deadbeat men engineers and bought ornaments and the tree. I think she did a great job. I love all the construction equipment ornaments.


On a cold windy day last week I went for some noon time geocaching out on this remote lake. I froze my butt off and didn’t find the cache but I loved the hunt. In case you need to dispose of a body, I found a couple really good spots!!


Son Logan is working at a Neighborhood Walmart these days. He is proud of his job and seems to be doing well. We went by there the other day (he wasn’t working) to get a few things and then all the customers were ordered to evacuate immediately, so we did. And I fulfilled my blogger journalistic duty by taking a photo of the fire engine and fulfilled my artistic duty by using prisma to pretty it up a little bit. I don’t think there was any property damage nor was anybody hurt.

So that is what is new with me, what is new with you?

Friday Hunt – Yachts to Christmas Trees and the Kingston Trio in Between

I’m joining in Eden Hill’s Friday Hunt again

First up is “Begins with Y” and I have this bit of serendipity

Olympus Motor Yacht

A few years ago we took our family vacation in Seattle, Washington. While there we took a whale watching tour which docked at a small town for a little lunch and rest and I took the above photo in the little harbor.

Later I googled the vessel’s name “Olympus” and it turns out that it began life in 1929 in New York as a private yacht of a wall street baron and has had several owners during its life including the US Navy during World War II where it served as a patrol vessel looking for submarines off the coast. Later on it was owned by the State of Washington and is under private ownership again. It is again privately owned and you can rent it out for an excursion or if you can purchase it for a mere $950,000! Check the purchase link. It has photo some great photos of the very deluxe interior.

Next up, “Favorite”

Kingston Trio

Heather and I went to see the Kingston Trio on Sunday afternoon. They put on a great show. The singing was wonderful and they were very engaging. There was a film crew there and they are going to try and get it on PBS every year around the holidays. It was amazing watching these guys do there thing. So hey look for it next year.

And next “Festive”

Downtown Christmas Tree

I found this tree downtown while at lunch this week. I’m going to post it on Instagram when I get a chance. Do you Instagram? Yes?  then find me and friend me, I’m yogiab. I love Instagram. You can see some of my photos on the right sidebar.

Well, that is it for now!! Check out Eden Hill’s Friday Hunt and join in!