Tag Archives: DistressedFX

Weekend Reflections – City Hall

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I like to get out at lunch and walk around downtown Tulsa. Generally I walk around two miles or so and I always take my little point and shoot Nikon AW110 and take lots of pics. Most of whom don’t see the light of day as my Flickr account has ballooned out to over 57,000 photographs. So this past week I walked by our City Hall which is covered in glass and I thought the reflections  of the big fat clouds against the blue sky we had that day looked pretty nice.  The above photo is the result. I did run the photo through my ipod app Snapseed just to give it a little oomph. (You are not going to bedgrudge me some oomph are you?)

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So I thought I would upload the photo on Instagram but I wanted even more oomph so I ran it through the various editing apps I have on my Ipod and I just went crazy. I used ToonCamera, Prisma, and DistressedFX and generated these in a matter of minutes. I like them all to one degree or another. And the winner is …..

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This generated with DistressedFX. I liked the gradient in colors that it produced from top to bottom.

So do you use Apps in editing your photos, or Photoshop, Corel, Picmonkey or something else?

Are you on Instagram? We should be Instagram buds!! My account is @yogiab. Recently I have been asked by the Tulsa River Parks Authority to post under their accounts @TurkeyMountain for the Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness Park and @riverparks. I’m just one of several people who post under those accounts but check them out anyway.

So everybody have a great weekend out there and I can’t wait to look at other reflections posts later this afternoon.

Linking with Weekend Reflections