Tag Archives: finches

Weekend Critters – Birds, Dogs, Squirrels, and Snow

We are having it all this past week. We had 80 degree temps, then snow with well below freezing temperatures. Today we are having dry winds that are going to create a fire hazard. Oklahoma weather in the spring is always interesting.


We’ve kept our feeders full. The squirrels dominate the feeders so I’ve been checking the action underneath. Lots of birds play well with others, dove, juncos, sparrows, cardinals they all see to get along. Bluejays and Grackles are more aggressive.

Sorry about all the orange flagging. The telephone company had all the lines relocated.


Them grackles are like a group of noisy teenagers.

Here at the end of the ten second video a bunch of them fly up to the tree.


We got a finch feeder and guess what, finches showed up.

A little bird bath action

And Rascal, our Pomerania shows up to see what all the fuss is about.

Rascal’s thick warm coat comes in handy when it is snowing. Sorry about the bad photo.

We turned our fireplace on for a little bit. LJ loves the fire.

That’s it for this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out, lots of great posts there.