I decided to fire up my trail camera in the backyard again. On New Year’s Day it captured this cardinal couple getting a drink.
And a squirrel. Critters of all kinds need water.
I’m thinking that these might be house finches but I am not sure.
And a squirrel climbing up the fence.
Our new Pomeranian puppy, Kodi is a delight but he is also a whirling dervish and I have yet to get a decent photo of him. He does not sit still. He had a play date with his brother Tucker, the light colored dog above. Tucker and Kodi used to play hard together before we brought Kodi home and they resumed that quickly during the play date. All sorts of fearsome noise and chasing and pulling on chews and toys in the opposite direction. Nobody lost their temper and they were both exhausted afterwards. It was fun!!
He’s a fun and affectionate dog and loves being around people and playing hard.
A late update, a portrait of Kodi!! I finally took a halfway decent photo of him. My wife gave him a bath and that calmed the whirling dervish down to where I could take a photo.
What a face!!
That’s about it for this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Go check it out. Lots of talented bloggers link there.
We’ve had this hummingbird feeder up for weeks. We keep stuff in and clean and refill regularly. The first day we had a hummingbird and nothing since then. Nothing in terms of hummingbirds. We got all sorts of other critters who perch on it or get behind it like this smart aleck squirrel.
And some more bird action in the background.
And here is a cardinal and a blue jay mocking me about my hummingbird failure.
I went hiking on Turkey Mountain and found this new (to me) bat nest.
I also found this black colored snake in the middle of the trail. He scooted off by the time I got my phone out and ready.
I also found this guy in the middle of another trail. I let him be.
I checked out the monarch waystation and there are more wildflowers popping up.
I saw this little moth looking creature on one of the blooms. Inaturalist says it is a “gorgone checkerspot.” I’ve never heard of that but I’m going with it for now.
And this doesn’t have anything to do with critters. It’s another jigsaw puzzle. I’m getting to where I am not intimidated by large expanses of sky or water. I’m really enjoying working on online jigsaw puzzles. No pieces are ever lost plus I use the setting where all the pieces are in the right orientation. I know, I am cheating.
We are having it all this past week. We had 80 degree temps, then snow with well below freezing temperatures. Today we are having dry winds that are going to create a fire hazard. Oklahoma weather in the spring is always interesting.
We’ve kept our feeders full. The squirrels dominate the feeders so I’ve been checking the action underneath. Lots of birds play well with others, dove, juncos, sparrows, cardinals they all see to get along. Bluejays and Grackles are more aggressive.
Sorry about all the orange flagging. The telephone company had all the lines relocated.
Them grackles are like a group of noisy teenagers.
Here at the end of the ten second video a bunch of them fly up to the tree.
We got a finch feeder and guess what, finches showed up.
A little bird bath action
And Rascal, our Pomerania shows up to see what all the fuss is about.
Rascal’s thick warm coat comes in handy when it is snowing. Sorry about the bad photo.
We turned our fireplace on for a little bit. LJ loves the fire.
That’s it for this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out, lots of great posts there.
We’ve had a little weather here. Sleet, freezing rain, and snow. Not too bad, the main thing was that it was cold. We’ve kept our bird feeders going. Cardinals and squirrels are the main customers.
We have several squirrels and they each have distinct feeding styles. I like this dude. No inverted positions for him. He just sits down for dinner and goes for it.
The back yard is cold, the patio got kind of slippery.
We had a blue jay show up for lunch. Sorry for the ugly orange flagging. Our internet provider put it up to mark other utility lines.
I love the female cardinals.
A video of the blue jay.
Cardinals and juncos co-existing.
A female cardinal video.
Lizzie the cat checking out the patio action. She doesn’t like outside at all. She is a rescue critter. When she was just a baby kitten somebody drove through a store parking lot and threw her the window.
Abby likes going outside but she burrows under a blanket afterwards.
I finished another jigsaw puzzle. I’m loving doing them on the ipad. I’m not very good at it. My wife just flies through them. We are not racing though, are we?
That’s the critter roundup this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Lots of great posts there. Check it out.
I’m also praying in support of Ukraine as they bravely defend themselves from naked aggression by Russia.