Tag Archives: IPhones

A New Photo App, Oilist

I love photo editing apps on my iphone. My favorite is the free Snapseed, followed by Prisma, and IColorama. Recently I found another one, OIlist.  Oilist is a little unique because instead of just picking some a type of filter and then seeing a results, you pick more of a process and then watch as the process “paints” the photo and you can interact with the process as you wish. It is really very cool. I’ve had a time learning it. I’m not much for tutorials or manuals, I like to jump in and try it out so I’ve been experimenting with it.


This is a bay scene at Orange Beach Alabama. I didn’t like all the black in it so i set it out on a new course.


Subtle difference I know, but I like this much better although still not happy with it. The instructions on the app said that it works best on more colorful photos.


I tried it on a photo of flamingos that I had and I like this.


is there anything more colorful than 1950’s era Ford Thunderbirds. I loved this. Apps like this are not for everybody. I’ve some “photographer” friends who hate these apps. To them fidelity to the original image is what counts. And hey I get that. What I am looking for is what I see in my mind.  I love the interactivity of Oilist and how one can try different things and save interim works and go back and try again. It’s a lot of fun but it does take time.

How about you? Do you have any photo apps that you like.

Adios Android – Getting Rid of my HTC Desire Eye



I got rid of my work cell phone last week. It was an HTC Desire Eye that I had for two years. I have had Android phones for years and I liked them because I could add memory very cheaply and I could replace the batteries very inexpensively also. I loved the phone for about a year and a half. It made excellent photos and synched very smoothly with our email servers. About six months ago the performance suddenly died. There was about a three to five second delay between I pressed a button and then get the response. Emails were impossible, text messages were very painful and the camera hopeless. I did everything. Got rid of all the apps, tried soft resets, hard resets, everything. ATT and HTC were both useless. It was awful. So earlier this month I became eligible for another phone. Yippee!!!!

I had resisted getting an iPhone mainly because I have the this deadly combination of being picky and cheap (I prefer the term “thrifty”). You see the company has a list of phones you could get for free and if you wanted something else you get to pay for it. The free iPhones had the minimum amount of memory and you know I like my apps and the memory wasn’t big enough for them let alone all the photographs I like to take. I had an iPod Touch with 32 gb that i used for apps including my favorite editing apps, Snapseed and I-Colorama. The thing is that the touch camera wasn’t that great. But I put all my photos on Flickr and I would download the pics to the Touch, edit them and post on Instagram or send them back to Flickr. So everywere I went I had my HTC cell phone, my ipod, and my Nikon point and shoot.

So the two year mark came up this month and I got the info on what the free phones are and much to my delight the IPhone SE with 128 gb of memory is included so that is what I got. And I love it. So now I am just carrying my new Iphone (in its tough otterbox case) everywhere I go including running an elsewhere. It takes great photos and I can edit them right there an post them. So I don’t have to carry three items any longer most of the time. I’m so happy.

A lot of tech folks look down there nose at the SE because it is kind of a step back from the newer iPhones and is smaller. True, but it didn’t cost me anything either.

So anyway, Adios Android. Hasta la Pasta!! and good riddance.