Tag Archives: Rat Snake

Saturday’s Critters – On the Trail and at Home

I was hiking on Turkey Mountain and came across this black stick. Only it wasn’t a stick.


It was a friendly rat snake. We looked at each other for a little bit and then keeping his eyes on me he folded back along side his body and headed into the woods. I wish I had a video of it.

I was on a bike ride and while crossing the Arkansas River I spotted this big bird on a tall tree spreading his wings out. I don’t think it was an eagle but maybe a Turkey Vulture. The only birds I have seen do this were Anhinga’s down in New Orleans a few years ago. Sorry for the photo but all I had was my cell phone. Thank you to the dear readers who suggested that this bird is cormorant. I do believe that is right.


We are getting lots of rabbits in our back yard. Thankfully our dog Kodi ignores them.


And a blast of birds from one of our bird feeders.

That’s all for this week. I am linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out. Lots of talented photographers post there.