Here’s a sculptural critter, some sort of heron I think at the Linnaeus Demonstration Gardens.
And another artistic critter. This little girl on the back of a turtle at the Tulsa Botanic Garden.
I hardly ever use my drone for critter photography and this is “Appeal to the Great Spirit” at Woodward Park. I used my drone to get a different perspective on this sculpture.
In the backyard I got this squirrel getting his photo taken.
And a bunny out past 3 am.
And this leaping squirrel.
And some birds buzzing the backyard on a high speed low altitude run.
And these guys going for suet feeder.
And a Canadian Goose at Woodward Park contemplating the pros and cons of staying vs migrating.
I was hiking on Turkey Mountain and came across this black stick. Only it wasn’t a stick.
It was a friendly rat snake. We looked at each other for a little bit and then keeping his eyes on me he folded back along side his body and headed into the woods. I wish I had a video of it.
I was on a bike ride and while crossing the Arkansas River I spotted this big bird on a tall tree spreading his wings out. I don’t think it was an eagle but maybe a Turkey Vulture. The only birds I have seen do this were Anhinga’s down in New Orleans a few years ago. Sorry for the photo but all I had was my cell phone. Thank you to the dear readers who suggested that this bird is cormorant. I do believe that is right.
We are getting lots of rabbits in our back yard. Thankfully our dog Kodi ignores them.
And a blast of birds from one of our bird feeders.
That’s all for this week. I am linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Check it out. Lots of talented photographers post there.
I fired up the trailcam again the other day (It had run out of juice and I forgot to set the clock and calendar) and there was a rabbit in it, for hundreds of photos.
That’s the bad thing about trailcams, weeding through all the photos. If you have video it is that much worse. So this rabbit has been having a party in this corner of the backyard.
Captured a squirrel image as well
Son and I went hiking on Turkey Mountain the other day. We found this great blue heron fishing in the Arkansas River. There was heavy brush along the banks so I didn’t get his head very good.
Nearby, this fat robin was looking right at me.
I heard a distinctive “snuffling” sound in the leaves close to the trail and sure enough, an armadillo.
I love armadillos. You can get really close to them.
My backyard trailcam captured this image of a squirrel munching on an acorn. We have a bumper acorn crop this year. The squirrels can’t keep up with them. Our little dog Kodi has learned the trick of picking one up and bringing it inside where we give him a treat to trade.
We have a few little rabbits who romp around in our yard.
Young Kodi howls when my wife leaves. He’s inconsolable in his sorrow.
The howling kind of irritates our sweet cat Lizzie. I can just see her thinking, “Suck it up dog!”
I went hiking on Turkey Mountain earlier this week. I encountered, several times, a family of three or four deer. This was the best photo I got. Lots of trees made focusing difficult. I love seeing deer in the woods.
And I saw this butterfly. Google tells me that it is a Red Admiral.
And I was walking along and I heard a woodpecker up in the trees. I looked and looked and saw this one but he wouldn’t stay still very long. Sorry for the grainy cropped shot.
And here is our Pomeranian Kodi. He’s cute as all get out and likes me 95% of the time but watch out for the other 5%.
I woke Lizzy the cat up from a nap the other day. She was not amused.
And I captured the image of this little bunny in our backyard early Friday morning. We have a lot of hawks in the neighborhood and they feast on little bunnies.
Kodi loves going places so we took him on a hike at Ray Harrall Nature center. He did two miles and never slowed down. His little feet were moving fast.
And that is my critter report this week. I am linking with Saturday’s Critters.
We got to missing our little bunnies and wondered where they were so I put the trailcam on their favorite yarrow patch and one showed up the other day.
We are worried about our puppy Kodi getting them but so far he just half heartedly chases them.
Every once in a while he goes on the hunt for them and gets one to run but like I said his heart is not in it. WHICH IS FINE BY ME!!
I captured myself cutting the grass the other day. I am about the only person on the street that still mows their own yard.
And here is Lizzie. She never goes out in the back yard but she likes to check out the action through the window when she is not napping. She naps a lot.
First up our puppy Kodi and cat Lizzy. They love to play and seem to enjoy each others company. Kodi is getting bigger and stronger versus Lizzy getting better at wrestling. She has developed a takedown that she uses on him sometimes. It is fun watching them.
Kodi is getting bigger and stronger all the time. We start him at puppy school in a couple weeks. We all know that they should rename dog school as owner school right?
Kodi is still very small. The smallest dog we have ever had. We found out that we can just park him in a laundry basket if we need to confine him a short while and his crate is not available.
Still got my trailcam going in the backyard. I think this is a downy woodpecker.
This looks like a squirrel but cannot be a squirrel because it is feeding from a squirrelproof bird feeder.
We are getting lots of robins scratching around for food under the feeders.
And we get rabbits at night.
I captured a red shouldered hawk on our neighbors roof. They like rabbits. I’ve seen them this year land in our front yard and walk into the hedges and come out with baby rabbits and mice. Hawks have to eat to I guess.
I saw a goose in the parking lot earlier this week. It proceeded to wander on the main avenue nearby and somehow did not get run over.
I went on a hike the other day and spotted this pair of geese. I think they must be nesting or something because they didn’t move much and were giving me the stinkeye from clear across the pond.
And a fuzzy photo of a mallard paddling around the same pond.
The same hike, I came across robins. This one blended into the tree it was perched on.
On a recent hike on Turkey Mountain I found this tree that had been cut down. I am thinking that it may be a beaver.
And on a different area of the mountain I found this beaver cut that somebody had decorated with gold leaf. What a lot of work! Lots of people have posted this on social media so I joined the crowd.
And from the trail cam in the back yard I got several photos of rabbits. Or least their ears and one eye.
I captured images of squirrels as well.
Here is a guy practicing his toe hold and doing a vertical yoga updog stretch (or upsquirrel?)
Our little Pomeranian Kodi continues to grow and bond with us. He is very smart and when in the right mood, obedient, but most of the time he just wants his way. I kind of get that.
He and Lizzie, his older sister are becoming friends. We call her Nanny because she keeps a close eye on him. When she gets tired of him she just jumps up on a chair and Kodi cries at her.
And that’s a wrap for today. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Lots of talented blogger/photographers post there, and me. Check it out.
I was going to go work on our sprinkler system this morning but I went outside and saw momma cottontail underneath the bench in our back yard. This means she probably has a kit stashed not too close and not too far away. I decided not to stress her so I’ll be leaving her alone until she leaves on her own.
She’s laying down chilling but very alert.
Other pics of cottontails in our yard. Might be her, might be somebody else, I can’t tell.
They get very still. They can’t fight at all but they can remain still and can run very fast in a herky jerky manner.
It’s been hot lately, 100 F or over several days in a row. We added an extra water bowl to the two bird baths plus a fountain that we already have and we get a steady stream of customers. We have a rabbit who hangs out underneath the bench most of the day from about 9 am to 4 pm and then disappears. At first I thought it was kind of sickly but it does appear robust so maybe its a doe that has some kits stashed nearby.