Tag Archives: RiverParks Criterium

Tulsa Tough 2023 – River Parks Criterium


Tulsa Tough is a mult-day series of bicycle rides and races ranging from long distance bike rides to short “Townie Rides.” I rode in a short ride of about 30 miles four years ago that kicked my butt. The actual races are criterium rides where the riders go round and round a short circuit and they are pretty exciting. They have all sorts of categories for men, women, age grouped amateurs and professional riders.


The criterium rides have lots of spectactors who cheer the riders with cowbells, cheers, and beer. My favorite is the Riverparks Criterium. It features a steep ride up a hill, called “Crybaby Hill” for some reason and then a fast ride down to the bottom of the hill with a sharper than 90 degree turn at the bottom. You really have to know what you are doing.


I had some family stuff Sunday afternoon so I just spent a short time at the criterium watching the racers. I did not ascend Cry Baby Hill this year to witness the rowdy goings on. I’ve done it a few years over time and I recommend everybody to do it at least once unless you are easily offended by things.


Maybe I’ll ascend it next year.


I’m linking with My Corner of the World