Home from Easter church service, but before we change and get out of our clothes and run and around to pick up the house and cook Easter lunch lets take a few pics. It’s a time honored tradition!
Ready, lets go!

Yeah, well that’s okay. Something is wrong with the camera lens that expands everything at my waist. So lets fix that.

Hmm, that’s better but I cut the top of my head off. Big loss there right? I’m calling it good.

Okay, lets pick up the critters. From left to right meet Rascal, Ginger, and Abby. Okay, one is enough of this.

Finally a decent shot!

Yep, he is taller than me. But I’m meaner.

Aw, my main squeeze. Isn’t she beautiful!

She said, get out of the picture Jack. I said my name wasn’t Jack. She said she didn’t care just get her Rascal. So here they are. I had to overexpose it a little bit cuz otherwise he is a black blob.
I hope that you all are having as much fun on Easter as we are.