Category Archives: SuperPizzaBoy

Baloney Sunday Challenge – Proverbs 22:6

Saturday, Sweetie and some other members of our Adult Sunday School class helped Walt Whitman Elementary School with their annual carnival. SuperPizzaBoy and I went along because it sounded like fun. Typical deal right, Sweetie works and SPB and I play.

There were games to play

Hot dogs and cookies

Snow Cones

A little sensory time in the gravel (try it, it feels great!)

Some silliness for Dad

Finally, exhaustion

Nearby we spotted a blanket somebody make long ago. I love it.
(If you look close you can see the careless photographer.)

Todays verse is:

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”

Proverb’s 22:6 (NIV)

Check out That’s Baloney for more pairings of scripture and photographs.

Halloween Run Down and Run

Last night was Freaky Fun Night at SuperPizzaBoy’s school. Everybody had a great time.

We started out early evening with an almost full moon.


SuperPizzaBoy was a ghostbuster. He has his work cut out for him, the place was full of ghosts.


SPB’s friend Nicholas was Zeus

SPB scarfed down some pizza. But, is that really news?


Sweetie was a Gypsy, a cute Gypsy. Sorry for the blurry photo Sweetie. I like it though.


There were games. I made this last year. It has seen lots of use at various events.


SPB’s other friend Quinn got the Scariest Costume award. He scared me, I’ll tell you that.


The joint was jumping!!

Sweetie helped organize the event. I sat in on a meeting with her and the other women organizing the event. They were amazing. You know, I’m thinking about that. I’m tired of hearing about Obama this and W that and Bill this and so on. How about we get Michelle and Laura together and let them run things.I tell you what, we would have decent health care and a balanced budget. The Afghanistan and Iraq wars would get figured out as well. We guys, we just need to be told what to do, and we are fine.

Hey, I’m not done! (Yeah, well I am you mutter) I ran a race today. The Tulsa Run 15k. Its my 16th. This won’t take long.

Here is the starting line. It took me about 3 minutes to get here when the gun sounded.

I only took one picture during the race. This is at about 6K I think.

We finished in front of the BOK Center.

Runners get candy bars courtesy of Quik Trip. This year they had Snickers bars left so I grabbed a couple.

At the finish line we had a band led by Oklahoma’s own Grady Nichols.


They had a very long line for the beer. I hate beer lines. I like it when you just mob the beer truck. I’m pretty good at getting to the front. I don’t elbow anybody. I find a seam, turn sideways, and move through. Square up, find another seam, and repeat. Works wonderfully. Not much can be done with a line.

I got my cup of suds. I think they were running out. The people doing the serving seemed to be in a sour mood. Runners can be pretty demanding. We like to get our moneys worth of free beer.


So right now Sweetie is carving a pumpkin and we are going to go trick or treating tonight.

Young Man – You are in Trouble!!!

Sweetie went off to her book group Tuesday night so SuperPizzaBoy and I did our monthly “Boys Night Out.” They are not as much fun as the summer, early bedtime and all. Plus this time SPB has his first ever book report due early next week so we are trying to get a little bit done ever night.

Still, we did a few things. We went to Toys R Us so he could look at what they got. That consists mainly of reading the video game cheat books.

I saw something I had never seen before.


It is a Sponge Bob Square Pants television. Wow, the ability of science and technology to make our lives more meaningful and fulfilling continues to amaze me.

He is a pretty good kid and so I told him that I would buy him a Bakugan. Now, if you have kids of a certain age you already know what they are. If you don’t then count yourself lucky! Basically they are little toys about the size and shape of a large jaw breaker (that dates me) that spring open when put on the accompanying metal card. There is also a cartoon that I don’t understand. I think that it is a plot by Obama to drive us Boomers crazy since we are the only ones that are on to his plot to take our guns away and hand the USA over to Bulgaria.

Anyway here is what a Bakugan looks like.


They cost about $5 each. Cheap right, I guess. My customers are spending about $10 million a pop to drill horizontal wells 14,000 feet deep and pump 1 million pounds of sand and incredible amounts of water into the hole. If they are lucky and the geologist wasn’t screwed up and if the driller didn’t mess the hole up they produce natural gas at about $5 for a 1000 cubic feet. And then they pay companies like my employer to clean it up, compress it, and take it to market. Then they have to give the royalty owner about 3/16th of it, and the state takes 7% (The state and the royalty owners don’t pay any of the drilling costs). At Toys R Us, they don’t deliver the product to you. You have to drive your own car to get it. We pay the tax on it also. Maybe I need to get in a new line of business?

Anyway I promised him that if he worked on his book report then he could play video games until shower time so he opted to save time eating by going to Wendy’s and grabbing some burgers and frostys.

We did that, got home and opened the garage door to pull in and this is what I saw.


What the what? Then it dawned on me. I turned him and said, “Son, have you been playing with the sink and counter top and not put it back where you found it? How many times have we talked about that?”

SPB said, “I didn’t do it, a man came and took it off.” and I said “And you just stood there and let him do it! Wait until your Mother comes home!”

He said “She knows about it, she was there!” I said, “We’ll see about that.”

Anyway, we are sinkless for a little while. We are getting new granite countertops. It will be interesting.


Hunger, Patience, Anticipation

Poor SuperPizzaBoy. We went out to eat after church yesterday and he was hungry. He hates to wait. Bad combination.





Finally, he gets it half eaten before I get my camera back out.


(Sorry for funky coloring, it came this way out of the camera and I’m doing this post on my lunch break.)

Another Boys Night Out

Wow, another Boys Night Out already. Sweetie has another Book Group Meeting, this time Nana is hosting. School has started though so we have to tone it down to be home at a reasonable time.

So first we loaded up and went to eat. At Hideaway Pizza in Bixby on Memorial. Hideaway Pizza is something of an institution. It started in Stillwater, Oklahoma, home of Oklahoma State University. Tulsa is a big OSU town so they have a natural following. The pizza being excellent helps as you might expect.

I brought my camera of course but we were so hungry that I forgot to photograph it before we started. So the consolation prize is this picture after we were done.


Nothing to take home!

Afterwards we decided to plant another geocache. We placed the last one near Cedar Ridge Golf Course and we named the cache “Boys Night Out – Cedar Ridge”. This time we decided to place one near another Golf Course. So this one is “Boys Night Out – Meadowbrook.”

First we went to Walmart to get the stuff for the cache. A medium size plastic, water tight, container, a notebook for geocachers to write their log in, a pencil, and some small trade items for the kids, a small rain poncho and a couple of matchbox cars. Oh, yes, camo duck tape.

We drove out to the cache site, and pimped up the cache container, including camoflaging it with the camo duck tape, found a suitable spot, and then spent forever making sure the coordinates are right. I lost my Lowrance IFinder Hunt GPSr that could take 100 readings in a spot and average them in one minute so I have to use my navigation GPSr which is great for getting me over to Aunt Bessies house but I have to average my readings the old fashioned way.

We finally finished, and it was time to go home so that son could go to bed because it is a school night. It was late. I had to hide it in the dark.


So, do you do anything on a regular basis with family members or friends? I want to know all about it!

Back to School

SuperPizzaBoy starts sixth grade. This is his third year at this school and he loves it. This morning though he is having a hard time dealing with summer break being over.


Breakfast was a little slow. Much earlier than he is used to.


Anyway he and Mom got off on time.

Boys Night Out –

Sweetie belongs to a book group. A very literate and proper group of ladies who have monthly meetings to discuss a book they have read. They take turns meeting in their homes. This month the coven, I mean ladies, met at our house.

SuperPizzaBoy and I went out on our monthly Boys Night Out. We have lots of fun. We go to all sorts of places. So far we have avoided arrest and detention. We have to be careful because Sweetie has told us she is not leaving book group early to come bail us out.

We didn’t eat this time. SPB had been at a pizza party so he wasn’t hungry. I wasn’t hungry either. I planned on scrounging the leftovers from the book group meeting when we got home.

First, SPB and I hid a geocache. Our 25th hide. We called it “Boys Night Out – Cedar Ridge” in honor of a nearby golf club. We have a whole series of “Boys Night Out” caches all over Tulsa.

Well it took an hour to hide it. We knew the general location where we wanted to hide it but we had to pick a specific spot. We did that. Then you have to get the coordinates. That took a while. Believe it or not, heavy tree cover screws up the satellite reception of GPS receivers so you have to spend some time checking and rechecking. See if you don’t have good coordinates then the finders can’t find the caches. So you have to do it right.

Below is a photo of the cache. I had to use the flash because it was dark. Notice the camo? Camo duck tape, a geocachers best friend, next to his GPSr of course.


Finally done with that we headed off to Laser tag. Usually SPB and I play alone. This time we teamed up. There was a whole bunch of teenagers we played with. They cheated, they cover up their sensors you see, which is a no no. But, so what, we had fun playing as a team. Out of 17 players, SPB finished 16 and I finished 17. It was fun playing with him, he gets a blast out of it. Next time, we’ll be cheating with the rest of them. That’s life, right?

Next, traditional stop at Barnes and Noble. Deal is I’ll buy him a book. I got the new Green Day CD, SPB got his book.

Time to go home, I mark this BNO as a success.

Summer Soiree

Sweetie and I went partying Saturday night. Left SuperPizzaBoy with Nana and headed to Southern Hills Country Club for a fund raiser for SPB’s school. Town and Country. It is our annual get dressed and go have fun event.

Town and Country School is very dear to us. SPB has really thrived there. They go to extremes to help kids learn. It is for kids with learning difficulties including Asperger’s Syndrome, a form of autism.
The past two years we have been a sponsor.

As you can tell from the picture below, I was out of control. Sweetie had to rein me in. I need to get a handle on partying one of these days. I just go berserk. Are we not cute? Purple and purple, Sweetie’s favorite color!

We had martinis, a fine meal with wine, desert. A short talk was given by a graduate of Town and Country School. A young man,Brian C. Britt, diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome, who could not function in public school. He enrolled in Town and Country and thrived. He graduated from there as a National Merit Scholar, obtained his B.S. in Communication from the University of Tulsa, and is now studying for his Master’s Degree in Organizational Communication at Purdue University. He teaches two classes in public speaking , an astounding accomplishment for a person afflicted with Tourette’s Syndrome.

Then we had the live auction. I love live auctions. Jay Litchfield did this one. He is good at it. He does lots and lots of charity auctions in the Tulsa area, free, gratis, many times more than one a night. He is a great guy.
They had a band, we danced the night away, sorry, no party pics. Believe me, you appreciate that.