Last night was Freaky Fun Night at SuperPizzaBoy’s school. Everybody had a great time.
We started out early evening with an almost full moon.

SuperPizzaBoy was a ghostbuster. He has his work cut out for him, the place was full of ghosts.

SPB’s friend Nicholas was Zeus

SPB scarfed down some pizza. But, is that really news?

Sweetie was a Gypsy, a cute Gypsy. Sorry for the blurry photo Sweetie. I like it though.

There were games. I made this last year. It has seen lots of use at various events.

SPB’s other friend Quinn got the Scariest Costume award. He scared me, I’ll tell you that.

The joint was jumping!!

Sweetie helped organize the event. I sat in on a meeting with her and the other women organizing the event. They were amazing. You know, I’m thinking about that. I’m tired of hearing about Obama this and W that and Bill this and so on. How about we get Michelle and Laura together and let them run things.I tell you what, we would have decent health care and a balanced budget. The Afghanistan and Iraq wars would get figured out as well. We guys, we just need to be told what to do, and we are fine.
Hey, I’m not done! (Yeah, well I am you mutter) I ran a race today. The Tulsa Run 15k. Its my 16th. This won’t take long.
Here is the starting line. It took me about 3 minutes to get here when the gun sounded.

I only took one picture during the race. This is at about 6K I think.

We finished in front of the BOK Center.

Runners get candy bars courtesy of Quik Trip. This year they had Snickers bars left so I grabbed a couple.

At the finish line we had a band led by Oklahoma’s own Grady Nichols.

They had a very long line for the beer. I hate beer lines. I like it when you just mob the beer truck. I’m pretty good at getting to the front. I don’t elbow anybody. I find a seam, turn sideways, and move through. Square up, find another seam, and repeat. Works wonderfully. Not much can be done with a line.
I got my cup of suds. I think they were running out. The people doing the serving seemed to be in a sour mood. Runners can be pretty demanding. We like to get our moneys worth of free beer.

So right now Sweetie is carving a pumpkin and we are going to go trick or treating tonight.