Category Archives: SuperPizzaBoy

Easter Weekend Happenings

Whirlwind Easter Weekend. Saturday SuperPizzaBoy and I were by ourselves most of the day. I had taxes to do but the weather was too nice, plus I had a brand spanking new Garmin Nuvi 500 crossover GPSr that needed a workout, so we went Geocaching! Found two, one in east Tulsa took an hour to hike to and then find. SPB got a little tired of that one.

First two ticks of the season. One for him, and one for me. So we are tied!!!!

Then Sweetie and Nana made it up from Antlers with Nana’s two kittys. Meet Gypsy (calico) and Piwacket (“Wackycat”). They are spending their time getting acclimated to Nana’s new house in Broken Arrow. Gypsy was nervous and moved into Piwacket’s crate, Wacky wasn’t too happy about that. Move in is later this week! Got to meet one of Nana’s new neighbors also.

Sunday night dinner, Yogi cooked his specialty fried chicken. Hadn’t cooked it in about 15 years. It took me a little to get the hang of it again but everybody said it was pretty good. Sweetie says that I can cook it for Mother’s day. I think I will!!

The drumstick on the left tasted better than it looks.

Then a cut throat game of Farkle. A very fun game with 6 dice that I got as a birthday present. Its fun. But I never win!!! What’s up!!

Oh yeah, and I finished the taxes.

Pizza and Mary Poppins

SuperPizzaBoy and I are batching it Friday night. Sweetie is out of town helping her Mother, Nana get ready to move to Tulsa.

We went to the video store to find something. We settled on Mary Poppins. I have not seen it since it came out. The first time, a long time ago.

We started the movie and and put the pizza in the oven to heat. SPB picked the pizza out at the grocery store. He says that Digiorno makes the best frozen pizzas. It is pretty good, for a frozen pizza.

Lets see, of those present, who is interested in the movie, and who is interested in the pizza cooking? Need a hint, I was standing in front of the oven while taking this picture. Excuse me a second (for crying out loud pizza boy move away from the tv a little. You sit that close, all your kids are going to be born naked!) Ok, I’m back. Lets move on.

The movie was better than I remembered it. Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke do a great job. The singing, the dancing, the romance, the magic. I could see this again. I rate it four stars out of four.
Below is SPB’s favorite dance number “A Step in Time” with the chimney sweeps. SPB loves chaos, and this long number has lots of it especially about 6 minutes into it.

What’s a Guy to do?

Well, the last month has been very hectic for the Yogi family. I had a heck of an allergy attack in early March, I mean a real doozey. Followed by a great family trip to San Antonio. We did it all, we did the Alamo, the Riverwalk, Hemisfair Plaza, Seaworld, the whole deal. Then the family left me and my sinuses in SA while they went back to Tulsa.

I did my industry convention, got a whole load of continuing education hours to keep my PE license, found a whole bunch of microcaches in and along the river walk, and explored a bunch of the city on foot. My and the sinuses went through a ton of tissue on the way, and grossed out a bunch of friends. No wonder I was so lonely.

Then I got back to Tulsa and my Mother-in-Law, Nana, a very sweet lady who is moving to Tulsa got her plans accelerated when she accidently fell and broke her hip. So she was in the hospital and then rehab and is now staying with us and is doing great, and is planning to move into her new house in a few weeks.

As an aside, I will tell you that if something similar happens to me, I’m sending the ambulance to where she went, Saint John’s Hospital here in Tulsa and then rehab at the Bernsen Rehab center. Both the hospital and the rehab center are wonderful and are staffed by very skilled and compassionate people not only toward the patient but also the family.

After that excitement died down, I finally went to the doctor who gave me some antibiotics. That stopped the sinuses but also my digestive system. Friday night I took the last of the antibug pills so maybe I’ll start feeling better here pretty quick. In the meantime, I’m exercising again and it is like starting from scratch. That’s not fair.

So tonight, its just me and Nana. Sweetie and SuperPizzaBoy are at some cultural event bettering themselves. Me and Nana are watching House Hunters. Then Nana asked me if I would go the house she recently purchased and check the water level in the swimming pool. Sure! I don’t know anything about swimming pools but I can check water levels. After all I am a by God Licensed Professional Chemical Engineer in the State of Oklahoma (PE 17351).

I get over there and the water level is a little low so I get the water flowing. Filling a pool is not like filling a bathtub. This is going to take a while. What’s a guy to do?

I’ll tell you, its time to go geocaching!

Christmas in July , Number 764, but who is counting, really its not about the numbers, is it, not at all. And yes, as a blogger I take my camera everywhere I go, and, as a geocacher, I take my GPS receiver everywhere.

Any geocachers who slogged through this post? Tell us what your geocaching handle is. Mine is YogiABB. Son’s is guess what, SuperPizzaBoy. Sweetie won’t get one, so the local geocachers call her … well we won’t get into that. I stay on thin ice around here anyway. She really puts up with a lot.

Busting Moves in Alamo City

SuperPizzaBoy is liable to break out dancing anywhere. He doesn’t do it very often but when he does he goes for it with abandon and he is not self conscious about it all. He says that he is “busting a few moves” when he does it.

We were on a trip a couple weeks ago walking down a city street at night. A couple guys were playing bagpipes at a bus stop and SPB just couldn’t help himself. I’m sorry about the awful quality of the video and the fact that you have to watch it a 90 degree angle.

Alamo City Trip

Last week the family packed up and flew down to San Antonio for a little weekend trip in conjunction with a business trip.

We had a great time!

Of course, if you go there, you have to stay on the riverwalk and take a boat tour. We had a great tour guide. I’m sure that some of the stuff that he told us might even be true. It all made a great story.

There was a reenactment of the Battle of the Alamo going on. Sweetie got a photograph of Davy Crockett complete with coonskin cap. She was really looking for Phil Collins. You see the boat guide above told us that Phil Collins was in town and attending the reenactment. So we stalked Phil Collins all over town. Never saw him. Person at Hard Rock Cafe said “He was here last week.” Hah!

We stayed at the Marriott Rivercenter. Great place to stay, right on the river. SuperPizzaBoy thought they had a great pool.

Sweetie is still looking for Phil. Sorry Sweetie, you are stuck with me. Yea, lucky you!

Action shot of me and SPB checking out the action on the river.

Gretel is Cute, but Hansel is Hot!

The Tulsa Opera brought a twenty minute version of “Hansel and Gretel” to SuperPizzaBoy’s school last week. SPB’s class participated as the chorus. They played children (that role came natural to them), then as gingerbread cookies, and back to children. The kids loved it and did a great job. They have been practicing for some time.

Gretel was a soprano, Hansel was played by a woman mezzo soprano. The Opera Company brought four singers and a piano player. They barnstorm all over eastern Oklahoma and Western Arkansas putting short versions of popular operas on for school kids. They do a great job.
SuperPizzaBoy afterwards
Guess, what. I found a cache on my way back to the office. “Where the deer and the antelope run”, number 753 for me.

Boys Night Out

Once a month when Sweetie goes to book group, SuperPizzaBoy and I have “Boys Night Out.”

First we go get something to eat. We go to Johnnies a lot for hamburgers. Our other favorite spot is Mexacali’s for Mexican food. That is where we went Tuesday night. SPB is relaxing with a pre-dinner drink.

I was going to get a picture of the chicken fajitas I ordered but didn’t remember until I was well into them. You will thank me for not taking a picture of a half eaten plate of food. I considered it though.

After we eat we do various things. We have a whole series of geocaches we have placed in Tulsa named “Boys Night Out” with some tag on the end. They have proved pretty popular. That is mainly in the summer though. It takes time to properly place and hide a geocache and determine the coordinates.

Sometimes we play miniature golf, Lazer Quest is fun, Tulsa Driller Baseball Games, we have done a lot of stuff.

Tonight we did something different!

We went home so I could repair the oven. Actually I had to cut the power to it. The bake coil needs replacing and I won’t have one until Friday or Monday. The oven is on the same circuit as the range and microwave. Leaving the oven off wasn’t working. The old coil was heating up with the oven off so I shut off the breaker. So tonight’s task was to safely cut off the power to the oven.

Looks like fun huh! I have to do it right. If I screw up and the house burns down, I would never hear the end of it. Plus Sweetie may not go geocaching with me on my birthday. I love her very much but she can be mean sometimes.

So far so good.

Ready, Set, Run 2009

The Autism Center of Tulsa (“ACT”), formerly the Tulsa Autism Foundation, is having their annual 5K Race and Fun Run on May 9, 2009 at Hunter Park in Tulsa. It will be a certified 5K race and a very fun Fun Run. A good time will be had by all. The Yogi Family will be out in force including SuperPizzaBoy, who as some of you know has Asperger’s Syndrome, a type of Autism.

To quote from the ACT web site:

The Autism Center of Tulsa was founded in 2005 with the mission of meeting the needs of individuals and families affected by autism and related neurological disorders to improve quality of life. The Autism Center of Tulsa provides programming that supports its mission in a variety of ways, including community awareness and outreach, early screening and intervention, safety, parent and professional information and training as well as family support and on-site resources.”

The Yogi family has benefited from the various ACT programs such as the Family Fun Nights, educational seminars for parents. They also have a resource center. They provide lots of support but they do not advocate any particular treatment approaches thinking that is best left to the parents and doctors of the children involved.

If your family has somebody diagnosed with Autism or if you know somebody else affected by the disorder please check out the web site and call them. They are very helpful.

As part of this race the Yogi family formed a team, “Logan’s SuperPizzaPeople,” to help out with the fund raising. To help SuperPizzaBoy get motivated to raise money we’ve thrown him in jail and we are not letting him out until he comes up with a $1000. I know that some people may think that is a little harsh but SPB doesn’t really mind except we we are not letting him play video games.

You might check out the link. There is picture of him in jail. If you don’t feel led to give, he would appreciate any supportive comments that you may have. If you do feel led to give I would appreciate it very much, not only for the money which will go to good uses but also to reduce the noise level in the house. We messed up and put his cell way too close to the house and he is yelling really loud. I can hardly hear myself think!

Arrow of Light Ceremony – Soaring Eagles Patrol

Big Night at the Yogi Family Thursday Night.
SuperPizzaBoy goes through the Cub Scout Arrow of Light Ceremony. The Culmination of Five Years of Work.

Sweetie fixed up and fussed over the Boy’s Uniform. She fixed up Yogi’s also.

The boys were nervous before the meeting. Below is a first ever event, they all sat down together without being herded. They are wild hellions but good kids. They called themselves the Soaring Eagles Patrol

The Arrow of Light Team from Boy Scout Troop 26 of Good Shepherd Lutheren Church did the ceremony and did a great job. It was very solemn and well received.

I didn’t get a good shot of PizzaBoy but part of the ceremony is that the boys are brought to the front on the shoulders of the scouts. The Cub Scouts are all very nervous about that part.

Afterward the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts put on a group photo op for the parents.

Nana, Sweetie and PizzaBoy

SuperPizzaBoy and Yogi. We’re both happy its over. I’ll miss the kids and the kids parents. I really got attached to them. Most of them live in the neighborhood so I’ll be seeing about them. I’ll always be appreciative of the leadership and most of the parents of the Soaring Eagles Patrol. They went out of their way to make sure that PizzaBoy had a good experience in Scouts. The kids were also very nice to him.

PizzaBoy is going to take a break from scouting. He, Sweetie, and I all think that he might benefit from a year or so of growing up before trying Boy Scouts.

I think Scouting, both Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts is very helpful to kids. Not only is it fun but in my mind unifies Family, Church, and School and teaches the kids how to be citizens.

Its fun for the parents also.