Category Archives: Permission Zones

Graffiti Friday – Cool Cat in the Permission Zone

2014-05-23 Graffiti

I was in east Tulsa yesterday for Logan’s school awards assembly (more on that later, he scooped up nine awards!) and I stopped by Mad Mike’s Liquor store on 11th street to see what was new in their graffiti. This cool guy with the shades was my favorite. 

Mad Mike’s has created a “Permission Zone” where graffiti art is encouraged. It changes quite a bit and is quite the place. 

Do you have any permission zones where you live?

Graffiti Wednesday – Updates from the Permission Zone


I went by Tulsa’s only Graffiti “Permission Zone” at Mad Dog Liquors at 9347 East11th Street and there were already new works from  just a few weeks before.  My favorites were the “Sunday Demons” above and the scariest doorway I’ve ever seen below.


I really love the bright colors and imagery in both pieces.

Have you seen any good graffiti lately?