Sweetie – Did you do this?

This week I was looking at photos at the Sweetie and SuperPizzaBoy captured with their cameras.


You see they both take pictures of stuff but they never download or print or anything.


But these photos taken at Carlsbad, California are not half bad.


So who is the photographer?


Way to go Sweetie!

Check out SkyWatch

23 thoughts on “Sweetie – Did you do this?

  1. Sylvia K

    What a great surprise indeed!! And great memories of your summer trip! The first one is a stunner, but of course, I love them all! You are both so talented and clever! Have a great start for your weekend!!


  2. Marvin

    Great shots, especially the one on top. My wife and I both take photos using the same camera. Most of the time we don’t photograph the same subjects, but sometimes we do. Then, we must “debate” over who took which photos. I usually try to claim the best shots, but she seldom lets me get away with that, and many times she’s right. The better shots are often hers.

  3. Janie

    Looks like you’re a family of photographers. The sunset shots are beautiful. Love the one of you and SPB, photographed while photographing.

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