Weekend Critters – Ice, Sleet, and Snow!!


We’ve had a little weather here. Sleet, freezing rain, and snow. Not too bad, the main thing was that it was cold. We’ve kept our bird feeders going. Cardinals and squirrels are the main customers.

We have several squirrels and they each have distinct feeding styles. I like this dude. No inverted positions for him. He just sits down for dinner and goes for it.

The back yard is cold, the patio got kind of slippery.


We had a blue jay show up for lunch. Sorry for the ugly orange flagging. Our internet provider put it up to mark other utility lines.


I love the female cardinals.

A video of the blue jay.

Cardinals and juncos co-existing.

A female cardinal video.

Lizzie the cat checking out the patio action. She doesn’t like outside at all. She is a rescue critter. When she was just a baby kitten somebody drove through a store parking lot and threw her the window.

Abby likes going outside but she burrows under a blanket afterwards.


I finished another jigsaw puzzle. I’m loving doing them on the ipad. I’m not very good at it. My wife just flies through them. We are not racing though, are we?

That’s the critter roundup this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Lots of great posts there. Check it out.

I’m also praying in support of Ukraine as they bravely defend themselves from naked aggression by Russia.

11 thoughts on “Weekend Critters – Ice, Sleet, and Snow!!

  1. Eileen

    I think Abby has the right idea, staying cozy under the blanket. We had some freezing rain, snow and sleet too. I miss feeding my yard birds. I like your Cardinals, Blue Jays and the Cute squirrel sitting down and having it’s meal. Great photos. My prayers go out to the people of Ukraine, I wish for peace in the world.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. NatureFootstep

    hi, re your comment on the deers. They run away by instinct rather than fight what might be a predator. Myself I thought they should recognize me by now. But the instinct takes over and they run. 🙂

  3. Ellen

    You have quite the array of critters out back. What a treat to be visited by cardinals and blue jays. I especially love the squirrel sitting there enjoying his meal.

  4. sallie rainville

    Nobody ever threw me out the car window (or did any cruel thing to me at all for that matter) but I am still with your sweet housemates — in that weather, I’d just be watching the action out the window or curled under a blanket after if I had to go out. It’s pretty out there though and I enjoy seeing the birds (through my window here in the subtropics!)

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