Tag Archives: Blue Jays

Suburban Backyard Critters

The wind blows here in Oklahoma and with a motion sensitive trailcam I can get hundreds of photos of nothing really fast if I point it to a hanging bird feeder or trees. Wind the wind blows I point it at our bird bath or a stationary feeder.


We get a lot of robins showing up for a drink.


And doves


At the stationary feeder we offer whole peanuts and sunflowers seeds. Those are popular with squirrels, grackles,


and blue jays.


Not in our backyard but from the Tulsa Botanic Garden a monochromatic lego lion!!

I am linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters

Weekend Critters – Ice, Sleet, and Snow!!


We’ve had a little weather here. Sleet, freezing rain, and snow. Not too bad, the main thing was that it was cold. We’ve kept our bird feeders going. Cardinals and squirrels are the main customers.

We have several squirrels and they each have distinct feeding styles. I like this dude. No inverted positions for him. He just sits down for dinner and goes for it.

The back yard is cold, the patio got kind of slippery.


We had a blue jay show up for lunch. Sorry for the ugly orange flagging. Our internet provider put it up to mark other utility lines.


I love the female cardinals.

A video of the blue jay.

Cardinals and juncos co-existing.

A female cardinal video.

Lizzie the cat checking out the patio action. She doesn’t like outside at all. She is a rescue critter. When she was just a baby kitten somebody drove through a store parking lot and threw her the window.

Abby likes going outside but she burrows under a blanket afterwards.


I finished another jigsaw puzzle. I’m loving doing them on the ipad. I’m not very good at it. My wife just flies through them. We are not racing though, are we?

That’s the critter roundup this week. I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Lots of great posts there. Check it out.

I’m also praying in support of Ukraine as they bravely defend themselves from naked aggression by Russia.

New Trail Cam!

I have a new gadget to play with! A trail cam (GardePro A3) that I got this week and started “messing with.” Trying to figure out how it works.

So I have a couple tripods that I have been using, a short one, and a tall one to mount the thing on. All I have is a typical suburban lot, no trails nor woods. Just my back yard.

So what I have been capturing are squirrels, cardinals, blue jays, and lots of sparrows at our backyard feeders.

I’m really loving the cardinals.

Lots of seed spills on the ground so I have spent some time capturing that.


So far it has been lots of fun. I have it on motion sensing and it takes one still photo and ten seconds of video.


So I end up with lots and lots of images and video and I’m finding that it takes some time to wade through it to get unique captures.


This juvenile Coopers Hawk showed up and checked things out. I captured its image with a conventional camera through my living room window.. I’m sure they like the feeders also. We see bird and squirrel parts every once in a while. I think there is a nest close by. I have seen other hawks in our yard the last month or so.


The first evening I had the trail cam I set it on the back patio to see if any big critters showed up, and just me!!

So, you veteran trail camera people, do you have any good tips for me?

I’m linking with Eileen’s Saturday’s Critters. Come join the fun.