Skies – Here, There, and Everywhere

I went walking a couple times at Tulsa’s Lafortune Park. Treated to the sunset one time.

I noticed this brush with beautiful coral flowers. Google lens tells me that it is Chinese Quince.

The redbud trees are starting to bud out. The Eastern Redbud is Oklahoma’s State Tree. I love them.


Fuzzy pic of people playing golf at one of the golf courses there.


Memorial High School has a baseball field that they were using.

I also went geocaching at Expo Square. I didn’t find the one here but I love this locomotive. It is retired now but pulled logging trains in southeast Oklahoma for years.

And checked out the Golden Driller there. It is dressed up in honor of City Year Tulsa’s tenth anniversary. They are the sponsor the people I tutor for. City Year is under attack for pushing a “woke ideology.” I’ve been tutoring grade school kids for five years now and the only ideology I have been trained to push on the kids is learning how to read.

Another geocaching stop. I didn’t find this one either but I loved the windmill in the stiff Oklahoma breeze.

Another time I went to Tulsa’s Oxley Nature Center and walked the trails.

And enjoyed the views.

As you can I have been busy.

I’m linking with Skywatch Friday. and My Corner of the World

23 thoughts on “Skies – Here, There, and Everywhere

  1. Esme Slabbert

    Amazing, especially love the first shot with the sun and reflections.
    My links: 36. I hope you will join us and share your links with us at Wed-Sat at #WordlessWednesday (words welcome) https:// esmesalon. com / tag / wordlesswednesday/
    #17 WW My Entry 36, Now Open, See you soon

  2. Barb

    You are definitely on the move! The budding trees are wonderful. It looks pretty dry there. We’ve been getting a lot of March snow – more on the way the next 2 days. I’m not complaining (yet…).

  3. Ellen

    Your sunset shot is amazing! I’m more than jealous that you have budding trees already. The Chinese Quince is beautiful. I won’t show Irv the golfing photos or he’ll be really jealous.

  4. Lisa

    I have flowering quince, and it’s gorgeous. When not in bloom though, it’s a spiny pain! Redbuds are so pretty. Your state tree is an eastern redbud? The western redbuds grow wild along the highways here and into northern CA.
    It’s a wonderful thing you do, tutoring kids. Too many need so much extra help.

  5. Masha

    Great finds! Never seen a redbud tree before. Some of our steam engines have to retire soon too, sigh!
    My absolute favorite is the last photo, so calming in pastel colors.
    Have a nice weekend

  6. Eileen

    The first sunset is a gorgeous photo! I love the blossoming trees!
    It is great you are doing fun things to keep you busy!
    Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  7. A ShutterBug Explores

    Great series of photos ~ favorite is the first one ~ very dynamic and creative ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Alana

    I used to have a flowering quince bush years ago and I agree with the Lens ID. That first sunset picture is so beautiful! I love redbuds, too. They aren’t near as common where I live in New York State as they are out by you. There’s a beautful outdoor locomotive museum in Scranton, PA about an hour’s drive from us called Steamtown. I took my son there when he was young.

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