Cars and More from the 2024 Route66 Roadfest in Tulsa

Heather and I attended the Route 66 Roadfest here in Tulsa a few weeks ago. I’ve been in years past but this was her first time. The event has lots of Route 66 information and speakers, displays, and all that and I have seen all that and loved it. This year I was there for the cars and trailers.

They had a group of old travel trailers. They were all dolled up for glamping. When I was a kid, we used similar units for traveling. Talk about tight!! Squeezing a family of five in there. It all worked though. My sister has told me that she felt sorry for my brother and I when Dad got a tent for us to sleep outside. She can rest her conscience. We loved it.

This one had a custom handhold to help get yourself in the trailer. All the old folks checking out the trailers were bumping our heads on the doors.

And here is a two story unit. We went in and shuffled around with everybody else. We didn’t go upstairs. It was very cramped up there.

For the cars. This old Mercury Woody Station Wagon might have been my favorite. Talk about beautiful.

Or maybe this old Chevrolet Corvette Singray might be my favorite.

How about an old Edsel. Very stylish but forever stained by the failure of the cars in the market.

How about a nice Shelby Cobra?

Or a Ford Thunderbird. Lots of Tbirds at the show. That’s my wife right besides the front passenger door.

A heavily modified Chevrolet Camaro.

Lots of chrome to go with the supercharger.

Here is a Chevrolet with a supercharger.

How about gold toned quad carburetors.

This Thunderbird had the best paint job at the show, IMHO.

I especially like the custom hood ornament.

And an old Plymouth Duster. They were all the rage back in the day. A big engine wrapped in a cheap car.

You don’t see too many of them around.

Another old Woody Station Wagoni.

And a vintage Ford Truck. Dad had one similar to this. Except it was yellow.

How about an old Model A?

Hubcap Selfie

How about a hub cap selfie?

I’m linking with My Corner of the World.

11 thoughts on “Cars and More from the 2024 Route66 Roadfest in Tulsa

  1. DrillerAA

    Awesome post. I have been busy the past few weeks and missed the Meecum Auction and the Route 66 event. Love that first little trailer and that Silver ’60 Corvette might be my favorite as well. Have a blessed week.

  2. Natasha

    Oh, my, my!! Such vintage beauties but I loved the glamping trailers the best.
    The remind me of adventures under a star spangled sky. 🙂

    This was one heck of a collection, Alan.

  3. Ellen

    I do love that little silver camper with all the sunflowers! It’s hard to believe a family of five had a similar size camper back in the day. I loved our camping trips as a kid. It was a way for our parents to show us some beautiful places. Irv and I thought it would be nice to downsize our rig, but the new smaller and lightweight ones cost more that what we paid for our 30 ft. trailer.

  4. Vicki

    My husband and I had a raised 4×4 van that we took to car shows. I sold it after he passed. If I run across some photos I’ll post one on my blog.

    1. Vicki

      Didn’t mean to post my comment, got distracted by my dog.

      We loved going to the shows and seeing all the cars etc. My mom and dad had a camper like that when my brother and I were growing up and I loved going camping. I really miss it.


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