Saturday’s Critters – RiverParks Ride

I went for a bike ride on the trails alongside the Arkansas River July 5. The weather broke and the temperature was quite nice for a change. I took one of “good cameras” with me and this is part of what I saw.


A slider turtle basking on a rock.


I saw a bunch of great blue herons. Lonesome sentries all up and down the river.


And several white egrets.


And one of each in the same frame.


So this blurry photo was at the far end of my camera’s range. iNaturalist thinks it might be a golden eagle. I think it might be a young bald eagle. Any suggestions?


And here is a plump of geese. I love collective nouns for wildlife and geese seem to have more than any other animal. “Plump” is new to me and I love it.


And here is a group of people fishing just below Zink Dam. I get nervous when I see this because you have to wade out there through some fast moving water.


And another group below the dam. Note the guy in the middle has a dog on a leash.


The dam and nearby trails is not open to the public yet but I guess that doesn’t apply to this couple who showed up so the guy could take photos of the woman.


And this guy, far from the dam, in a legal spot chilling, listen to music maybe while pondering the river.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters. Go check them out!!

8 thoughts on “Saturday’s Critters – RiverParks Ride

  1. Eileen

    Hello Yogi,
    Great bird sightings, I love the Herons, Egret and the Slider Turtle.
    I an not an expert but I think it is a juvenile Bald Eagle.
    A plump of geese, I have not heard that one.
    The river seems to attract a lot people, a nice place to cool off.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a wonderful weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. Lisa

    Don’t you know? Laws and rules don’t apply if you’re taking pictures for social media! (eye roll) Probably a good idea for that child to have a life vest, even in calmer waters.
    Google Lens brings up… YOU! And a juvenile bald eagle. Isn’t it strange to find your own photos come up in a search?

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