Saturday’s Critters – In and Out Edition


Here’s a sculptural critter, some sort of heron I think at the Linnaeus Demonstration Gardens.

And another artistic critter. This little girl on the back of a turtle at the Tulsa Botanic Garden.

I hardly ever use my drone for critter photography and this is “Appeal to the Great Spirit” at Woodward Park. I used my drone to get a different perspective on this sculpture.


In the backyard I got this squirrel getting his photo taken.


And a bunny out past 3 am.


And this leaping squirrel.


And some birds buzzing the backyard on a high speed low altitude run.


And these guys going for suet feeder.


And a Canadian Goose at Woodward Park contemplating the pros and cons of staying vs migrating.

I’m linking with Saturday’s Critters

7 thoughts on “Saturday’s Critters – In and Out Edition

  1. Eileen

    Hello, Yogi
    I love the sculptures, all three are beautiful. Neat capture of the mid-air squirrel.
    The Sparrow are loving your feeder, happy birds.
    We see the geese here year round.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. John's Island

    Hi Alan, Once again you are an inspiration to me. I’ve often thought about getting a drone with photo capabilities. I admire the shots you are getting. Please let me know what kind of drone you are using and where I could purchase it. I enjoyed all the shots, but most amazing is the one with the flying squirrel! 😊 I’m assuming that the drone will add the temp and time info if you have it programmed in. Very nice post, thanks for sharing! John


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