21 thoughts on “Skywatch Friday – In the Neighborhood

  1. Sallie (FullTime-Life)

    So cool to get a sky like that right from your own driveway! Thanks for this and for SWF. And yes, like the comment above I would like to know how the Lake got its name. Its very blue and lovely with the gold trees, so it can’t be the color. (don’t laugh — the river we live near in Florida is the color of strong tea, so …. but that can’t be for your beautiful lake.

  2. Pat

    Gorgeous sunrises and sunsets! I have been enjoying fall color this year –i the warmer weather we’ve had seems to have mad it last longer.

  3. Sallie (FullTime-Life)

    I thought I’d replied here before but must have got lost in cyberspace…. it is amazing and wonderful to get both sun rise and sunset from almost the same spot — and in your own yard yet! Wonderfufl. Thank you for sharing this beauty and as always for hosting SWF.

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