Tag Archives: Shadows

Year End Shadows

Here’s a Christmas scene at our house with some early morning shadows coming through the front window.

And a Little Library on a trail. In addition to books, it contains a geocache. I was the first person to find it which makes me a legend in my own mind. I actually didn’t find it, I had been looking for it for 20 minutes and the cache owner walked and handed it to me. It got approved so fast that she hadn’t hidden it yet. So I hid it. A couple guys came by six minutes later so they were second and third to find.

And a shadow selfie cast across a trail sign asking people not to use muddy trails.

So these are my last shadows of 2022!! I wish everybody a Happy and Healthy New Year!!

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday 2. Go check it out.

Shadowy Bleachers

I went for a little hike the other day at a local park. I noticed a little used trail and decided to see where it went. It turns out that it went to some property owned by a local private school. The property was not posted and there were no students or anybody else out and about so I explored some more and found their football field. You can tell it is not a big school. It is a school with a very good reputation. I’ve met the headmaster and he is a fellow geocacher.

Have you been exploring lately?

I’m linking up with Shadow Shot Sunday 2. Check it out, join in!!

Shadowy Yarn Bombs in the Garden


At the treehouse at the Tulsa Botanic Garden there are several yarn bombs hidden away in the shadows.


Yarn Bombs are my favorite form of graffiti. It’s not vandalism and can be very colorful.


And if they get a little aged, sagging, or miscolored, a pair of scissors removes them.

I’m linking with Shadow Shot Sunday 2. Check it out!!