Category Archives: Pandemic

LaCoronaVida #9 – Backyard Fliers


Oklahoma has relaxed some of their restrictions and our family has expanded what we are doing a little bit. Heather has started teaching exercise classes again and I started going to the gym. We have had a few meals at fast food restaurants. But still wear our masks when we go places. I don’t wear one when I am outside but almost always inside.

Mourning Dove

We are avoiding crowds like the the big Trump Rally going on in Tulsa today. There is also the Home and Garden Show, a big Gun Show, and other events are going on as well.


So we spend a lot of time at home. I was never much of a bird photographer but I am giving it a shot now. They are challenging. They are small, move around a lot, and stay away from humans. So its kind of like ten to twenty shots to get one decent shot.

Brown Thrasher

So it has been fun. Amazing what can be done when you have to do so.

I’ve also been flying my drone. I go straight up and down, so don’t worry, I don’t spy on my neighbors. I am thinking that I need to do something besides my house. I have seen people flying their drones across the Arkansas River and over private property. I don’t want to fly it anywhere were I cannot openly go get it if it comes down.

Here’s some graphs I’ve been making of the Covid-19 situation here in Tulsa.

New Oklahoma Cases are increasing rapidly.

Just in Tulsa County cases are going up even faster.

Hospitalizations are going up as well.

Thank goodness that Deaths are averaging only one per day.

So how are you doing?