I’ve been putting the trailcam out at night. Most nights I don’t get anything but I got this cat one time. I think it is somebody’s pet. It doesn’t have that lean hungry look of a feral cat.
I’ve caught him a few times stalking birds near our feeders during the day.
And we had a bunny one evening. I hope they don’t have a nest in the yard as it is quite sad when our dogs find the nest.
I captured this house finch the other day. I am thinking the bird right next to it is a sparrow.
And a dove scavenging seeds on the ground. They are not as skittish as other birds. They are not too smart with their nesting sites.
And our Lizzy chilling out with us in the living room.
When the pandemic started last year and work and everything else shut down my family started spending lots of time in our backyard. It was great. Safe and secure from covid since it was completly disinfected by the professionals from https://www.mosquito-authority.com/mosquito-barrier-control-services site, so we thought, we talked and noticed that as we get calm the backyards critters appeared. This year, things are a lot more hectic but Friday night we hung out in our back yard and the critters reappeared.
A male cardinal showed up. They are quite the Romeos, singing their love songs.
And a mockingbird. They imitate other birds.
A rabbit showed up and stayed quite a while. Looking around and giving itself a thorough grooming.
It was very flexible. I’ve taken lots of yoga classes this year cuz I think my flexibility might be my biggest issue as I get older. This rabbit doesn’t need to worry.
It groomed and groomed for over 30 minutes and we left it to its further grooming. That has to be the cleanest rabbit in Tulsa.
Heather made a new friend today. What we think is a house wren. We are not birders so if you have better information we welcome it.
When Heather goes outside, the wren shows up and sings to her.
For such a small bird, it makes a big sound. We are in love with this little critter.
And we have our everpresent squirrels. This guy froze on our back fence for five minutes before it left.
We love rediscovering that if we just go outside and be quiet for a few minutes then nature reappears.
Oklahoma has relaxed some of their restrictions and our family has expanded what we are doing a little bit. Heather has started teaching exercise classes again and I started going to the gym. We have had a few meals at fast food restaurants. But still wear our masks when we go places. I don’t wear one when I am outside but almost always inside.
Mourning Dove
We are avoiding crowds like the the big Trump Rally going on in Tulsa today. There is also the Home and Garden Show, a big Gun Show, and other events are going on as well.
So we spend a lot of time at home. I was never much of a bird photographer but I am giving it a shot now. They are challenging. They are small, move around a lot, and stay away from humans. So its kind of like ten to twenty shots to get one decent shot.
Brown Thrasher
So it has been fun. Amazing what can be done when you have to do so.
I’ve also been flying my drone. I go straight up and down, so don’t worry, I don’t spy on my neighbors. I am thinking that I need to do something besides my house. I have seen people flying their drones across the Arkansas River and over private property. I don’t want to fly it anywhere were I cannot openly go get it if it comes down.
Here’s some graphs I’ve been making of the Covid-19 situation here in Tulsa.
New Oklahoma Cases are increasing rapidly.
Just in Tulsa County cases are going up even faster.
Hospitalizations are going up as well.
Thank goodness that Deaths are averaging only one per day.