Category Archives: SuperPizzaBoy

Boy’s Night Out – Hideaway Pizza and Oklahoma Aquarium and then some Ice Cream at Braum’s

Last Tuesday Night was Sweetie’s monthly book group meeting so SuperPizzaBoy and I enjoyed our monthly Boys Night Out.

To eat? What else, we had pizza. This time at Hideaway Pizza at 81st and Harvard.

SPB had the pepperoni, of course.


I had the Barbecue Chicken


Just in case you ever join us on Boys Night Out, you should know that we don’t share the pizza’s. Just so you so know. We rated the pizza’s at Hideaway as four stars out of four.

Afterwards we headed over to the Oklahoma Aquarium across the river from Tulsa in Jenks. They had a promotion going on where they were staying open late that evening and admission was half price. SPB and I love a deal, and that’s a deal.

The Aquarium is quite popular and it can get crowded on the weekends and hard to get close to the exhibits. Tuesday night we had the place to ourselves. Check their web site. They have promotions like this during the year. Off peak is wonderful.

They have several touch pools. On weekends you have to wait in line. Not tonight. Step up. SPB loves the touch pools.


They have loads and loads of exhibits. It can be mentally exhausting but we looked at all of them.

Feb 2010 Aquarium #1_Page000

Feb 2010 Aquarium #2_Page000

Feb 2010 Aquarium #3_Page000

SPB wasn’t mentally exhausted by the time we finished. He was ready to wrangle alligators.


The Oklahoma Aquarium is rated four stars out of four. Its a must see if you ever get to the Tulsa area.

We were hungry so we went to Braum’s for some ice cream. I had the double of the double chocolate chunk cappuccino.


SPB had the Rocky Road


Of course we were immediately ratted out on Facebook by a friend of Sweetie’s. I tell you what a couple guys out on town need a little space in order to have a little fun. Reminds me of high school in Eagar, Arizona. If I ever decided to pocket my lunch money and spend it on something else, my Mother was fully briefed by six other moms by the time I got home. That was before cell phones, the internet, texting, and all that.

Anyways, Boy’s Night Out was a four star affair.

SuperPIzzaBoy to Appear Live at Panera Bread on Tuesday March 2nd

SPB  at Panera Bread 2009
(SPB performing at Panera, May 2009)

SPB’s school, Town and Country School, is having their T&C spirit night at the Panera Bread on 15th Street (1624 East 15th Street, Tulsa, OK) from 5  to  9 on Tuesday March 2.

Students from Town and Country will perform starting at 6 PM. SPB is going to sing a couple songs including his favorite, “You’ve Gotta Pick at Pocket or Two” from the Musical Oliver.

The whole Yogi family will be there at 6 PM, me, Sweetie, and of course SuperPizzaBoy as well as the world’s greatest MIL and wonderful Grandmother, Nana. Come out and say hello. We’d love to see you.

As a little bonus to T&C, if you eat at Panera during Spirit Night the restaurant will generously donate 10% of the proceeds to Town and Country School. Just tell them when you order that you are there for the Town and Country Spirit Night.

Just as a little teaser, here’s a clip from the film Oliver.

We hope to see you there.

Town and Country School is a private school whose mission is “to improve the lives of students with learning differences by providing a nurturing environment for academic, social, and personal growth.” ( I have to add that they do a darn good job of it also!)

A special shout out to Panera Bread for opening up their restaurant for this event. The students (and their parents) really work hard to get ready for this event.

This, That, and the Other and Genesis 1:20

Saturday was an errand running day for SuperPizzaBoy and I. His Mom spent the whole day preparing for a fund raising event at SPB’s school so she didn’t get to join us. Lucky for her she says.

I made breakfast believe it or not. I used a recipe from “The Pioneer Woman’s Cookbook” by Ree Drumond of the blog “Confessions of a Pioneer Woman“. Check her blog out, I’m a big fan of MommyBloggers and that blog is a MommyBlog on steroids. Back to breakfast, she has a dish called “Egg in the Hole” which is simple enough.


Instead of egg and toast separately, you cut a hole in a piece of bread and then toast the bread in a skillet in a pool of butter and then put an egg in the hole and cook it. So its a combo type thing.


The way it actually works out is that it is a stick of butter with toast and egg added for texture. I made one for him and I ate two. I used a whole stick of butter. Its a good thing I hadn’t seen my dietitian in a while. I’m not sure how heart healthy it is, but they are good and they are filling.


I wondered if SPB would like it. New food is a sometimes thing with him, but hey he ate it!!

Then we set out to run a few errands. The main thing we were interested in was getting ready for the upcoming “Great Backyard Bird Count” We thought it would help out if we restocked our bird feeders. I’ve been wanting to get started bird watching for sometime now and I guess this will be our introduction. In our geocaching ventures in the woods and fields we come upon lots of birds and I really couldn’t tell you waht 90% of them are except in the most general way.

Anyway the great backyard bird count looks like a fun way to get introduced. They have bird lists by area and all sorts of references. Basically you just count the birds by species for at least a 15 minute period during the February 12-15 dates and submit your count online at the web site. I can handle that.

So we bought some sunflower seeds, some finch food, and a suet cake and set them out.




I know, I know, there are all sorts of guidelines about how high, and how far, and what kind of cover. Our neighborhood doesn’t have cats running around and my main guideline was I wanted to see the feeders from the kitchen.

We had an immediate customer. The little suckers are hard to photograph. I don’t know if Sweetie is going to put up with a tripod full time in the kitchen. On the other hand I washed the window I was shooting out of. I didn’t wash the ones adjacent but maybe later.


It looks like LJ want to help us count birds. Can cats count?


Then SPB and I took down our Christmas lights. It may seem a little late for that but we have had a messed up winter. Oklahoma winters are normally pretty mild. It may get cold for a while but it almost always warms and we get bright clear days with temperatures in the mid 40’s or so. Hey, sunny, no wind, and 40’s is a great day. Its almost shirt sleeve weather. So that is when I take the lights down.


Not this year, it stayed cold. So we got them down. SPB helped. I was up on the ladder and he took the gutter tabs off. We had a good time. Once you get him started he is like the Energizer Bunny on a task.


Later on SPB went to spend the evening with his Nana and Sweetie and I went to the fundraiser at the school. Sweetie had been putting together a table for a Silent Auction. She is queen of hospitality and presentation.


“And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth and across the expanse of the sky.”

Genesis 1:20 (NIV)

Check out That’s Baloney for other pairings of scriptures and photographs.

Skywatch Friday – Haikey Creek Park

We have a storm coming, ice. I hate ice. I can see it on the various weather maps inching closer. But I got photographs from last weekend. We went to Haikey Creek Park near Tulsa for a family outing. No ice that day.

Trees in the winter are beautiful. Pretty sky also.



Notice the moon?


SuperPizzaBoy rode his Triton. Off behind him is Sweetie and our two mutts.


Then we went to another park and did a little geocaching.


None of that right now. Now we are getting ready for a storm. The Governor declared an emergency yesterday before it even hit the state.

I’m having trouble convincing LJ of the seriousness of the situation. He doesn’t seem worried about it all. What do you think is wrong with him?


Check out other views of the sky at Skywatch Friday.

Jeremiah 1-5 – Baloney’s Sunday Challenge


5 “Before I shaped you in the womb,
I knew all about you.
Before you saw the light of day,
I had holy plans for you:
A prophet to the nations—
that’s what I had in mind for you.”

Jeremiah 1:5 (The Message)

Heather Logan Fountain San Antonio

Heaven’s Very Special Child
by Edna Massamilla

A meeting was held quite far from earth
“It’s time again for another birth,
Said the Angels to the Lord above,
“This special child will need much love.”

“Her progress may seem very slow
Accomplishments she may not show
And she’ll require extra care
From the folks she will meet down there.

She may not run or laugh or play
Her thoughts may seem quite far away
In many ways she won’t adapt
And she will be known as handicapped.

So let’s be careful where she is sent
We want her life to be content
Please Lord, find the parents who
Will do a special job for You.

They will not realize right away
The leading role they’re asked to play
But with this child sent from above
Comes stronger faith and richer love

And soon they’ll know the privilege given
In caring for this gift from Heaven
Their precious charge, so meek and mild,
Is Heaven’s very special child.”

For perfect pairings check out That’s Baloney.

Arts and Smarts, No More Fat Tires (no!), and What’s up with our Schools???


It has been quite a weekend. My weekend started Thursday because of my work schedule. Sweetie and I along with some of my coworkers and friends attended the “Arts and Smarts” Triva Quiz and Art Show sponsored by the Autism Center of Tulsa. The arts part was a display of art by Tulsa area students on the Autism Spectrum. The blurry picture above was one of SuperPizzaBoy’s contributions.

Our table came in fourth. Just my luck, the winning table was hosted by Oklahoma’s hottest mommy blogger, the lovely, talented, and too darn smart for her own good,  Baloney. Below is a picture of her doing her victory dance.


It’s a good thing she is not competitive or anything. Her hat is some sort of victory crown or something, I’m not sure. Anyway, we all had a good time. Sorry about the red eyes Baloney. They look better than my green eyes so you will just have to be happy with the red. Don’t worry folks. She doesn’t mind me poking fun at her. You see she is my Aunt, I call her Aunt B. She bakes cookies and everything an aunt is supposed to do. One of these days I’ll tell you how she came to be my Aunt. As soon as I can think up something.

Aunt B hosts her own daily online trivia quiz. Check it out, its free, its fun.

Sweetie and I got home and I proceeded to drown my sorrow and shame on finishing fourth with my favorite sorrow and shame treatment specially bootlegged in from the People’s Republic of Kansas by a friend. It’s not a legal treatment in Oklahoma but that is a post for another day.

Anyway I finished my second dose of the medicine and I soon had hives all over me. I mean all over. No photographs, sorry, but you would thank me. Thanks to some quick thinking by Sweetie and antihistamine I recovered. I felt like crap but I recovered. So now the question is: No more Fat Tire? I’m getting depressed, Is the treatment for depression the same as for sorrow and shame? Can somebody out there in our medical community throw me a bone here?

You know, crap like this never happened when W was President. He kept a lid on it. Something to think about you liberal dupes. I saw a video by this English dude who said that O was going to Copenhagen in a few weeks and sign a treaty that is going to ban microbrewery beer. We are all going to have to drink Bud Light. Its true! Hal Lindsey says so. Its foretold in the book of Revelation. What if there is the slightest chance that it can happen? Wake up America!

So Friday, I was feeling a little puny so I tagged along with Sweetie. I’m practicing for my retirement. I plan on just following her around all day. Until the housework starts. Then I’m going to go to the post office or whatever old retired guys do when the work starts. What do you think of my plan? Its going to be a while before I retire. I mean I have a 6th grader with autism. So, give me another dozen years or so in the workforce. Enough to get the kid educated and out the door.

Anyway, Sweetie and I went to SPB’s school to deliver his lunch. I was hanging around looking at the student projects displayed in the hall. SPB’s class does a lot of interesting stuff. Miss Jo is his teacher and she keeps them busy. They dissected owl droppings and identified what they found. Miss Jo got the droppings from the Zoo. They feed the owls voles. So the kids got to identify the various vole parts. I thought that was extremely cool. Here is a display of the various kids owl dropping dissections. Miss Jo said that everything was clean and sanitary with no undue smells. The kids had a blast. They separated out the various vole bones and identified what bones they were. Cool!! I’m so jealous. I had a great 6th grade teacher but we didn’t do anything like this. What you are looking at are the vole bones arranged on paper by the kids and then they drizzled Elmer’s on them to stick them in place.


Another thing that Miss Jo had her kids do was “Cereal Box” book reviews. We had fun working with SPB on his. Basically the kids made a book review fit on a cereal box. You know, illustration on the front, summary on the back, characters on the side, setting on the other side. It was fun. Here is a picture of everybody’s work. They had to make a name for their “cereal.” SPB came up with “Frosted Mysterios.” That’s my boy!


No, SPB’s isn’t the one in front. His is the orange papered one. I just love this kind of stuff. Makes me want to be in sixth grade again, NOT!!! Maybe they’ll have this kind of stuff at the adult day care center Sweetie promises to enroll me in if I follow through on my retirement plan. That’d be fun.

SPB has another teacher for Social Studies. Mrs. W. The kids are studying Egypt right now so the kids decorated the boxes below.


Anyway, you want to know what is up with schools these days? I don’t know about all schools but at SPB’s school the teachers are working their butts off teaching our kids all sorts of stuff. That’s what.

So that’s the report. How is your weekend going?